Monday, June 11, 2007


Man let me tell you, I guess this is a good thing. Only not for any cool stuff I wouldn't imagine.

This whole thing about centers I figure has to do with sports. They talk about baseball having a center field. And in basketball has a center. So I reckon it is a big deal in sports.

Not sure hard to figure how lasers fit into the sports thing though. I mean I hear they even have those special places called laser centers. Makes me wonder what those are all about.

I figure they are probably places where you go to learn how to laser junk. Course it is hard to say what all they learn to laser.

Haven't seen them whip them out at any sports events. So I guess they are not allow to like vaporize any opponents.

Would be kind of an unfair thing I imagine. Beside the person might do it to you in the process and I sure don't want that.

So I got to wonder you know if they aren't using these lasers in sports, but the sports dudes are the ones getting them, what are they doing with them. You got to wonder.

I bet it is some weird junk. Not sure I even want to know. It might be really scary and dangerous.

Which is probably why they have to go to these centers for training. Or maybe it is target practice.

Sure don't want to go there and find out I reckon. It could be painful. I wonder what they use for targets?

Perhaps that is why they don't go around talking about it very much. Just in case somebody wants to ask.

I sure hope it isn't some kind of target involving people. Well at least not any of the ones I like.

Would be great if it was something where I could recommend somebody. I send Junior over there in heartbeat.

Problem is my boss, Dr. Hemoglobin might ask some questions. That could be so tough. Yeah, I don't think I want to explain that pile of melted cheese where Junior stood earlier.

But I can dream. That makes it all fun.


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