Friday, June 08, 2007


Oh my, is this a horrible thing to have to talk about it. Just makes me itch all over to think about it.

I just get all weird thinking about it at times. I mean there is no way to avoid it. The fuzz gremlins lurk everywhere.

That is the biggest problem. You just can be so tempted to take it for granted. Let me tell you that is so scary too.

See, fuzz is different that other kinds of stuff like lint. With your regular types of lint it normally hides out in predictable places.

You know like on socks and pants and jackets. It can be something that is annoying, but you have plenty of ways to take care of that problem.

Whereas with fuzz you have the problem of it just showing up in the most unexpected places. But what is worse is you can't do that much about it.

Well true you can try to get rid of it, but it sure can be tricky. I mean that stuff likes to hang out on fruit.

And that can be so dang tricky to remove. Because you start by cleaning it off and then the next thing you know, it is all wash off and you got nothing left.

It sort of works that way for me at times. I will sit there and washing it and I swear it just gets so hard for me to tell where the fuzz ends and the skin begins.

So I don't want to take any chances, but honestly, there are times when that stupid fuzz just seems bent on hanging on to the fruit. Which really bugs the heck out me.

That probably in part also explains why at times I don't eat that much fruit. Man it can really suck.

Not that I plan on starting to eat a lot more any time soon, but once and a while it is nice.
Only it just doesn't help much when you are never sure if the fuzz is gone.

I mean heck, what if the stuff stays on there and I eat some. I could like get some terrible fuzz disease. And who wants that?

But try getting Otis to appreciate that? Talk about a major pain in the butt. Yeah, you listen to him and he says fruit like apples don't have any fuzz.

However, since he can't see it how can he know for sure? That is one of the problems. And for me that is really an important thing to consider. I sure don't want any fuzz warts myself.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "Do undertakers call their boxers underwear or something else. Just thought it might we worth asking."


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