Sunday, June 10, 2007


Now for me these two things just shouldn't be listed together. Which means if you are going to do lots of raving about whatever, then don't do any staying.

Unfortunately it is tough at times to get some people to appreciate that you aren't excited about hearing their griping all the time. I might enjoy it if they gave me a chance to do the same.

Only they never stop talking long enough to do so. It is like they are the only ones in the world with problems.

Even if you do manage to get them to shut up for five minutes and tell them your gripe, they won't remember. They'll just listen out of politeness and they go right back to talking about their complaint. This is not what I call fun.

You would sort of think these people might figure that part out too. Only they never do, they just keep rambling no matter what.

I wish my buddy Otis was better at appreciating this problem. He insists upon being polite. That isn't so bad, but he makes me be polite too.

If it wasn't for him, man I'd take care of this my way. That would mean getting my bat. Now that generally does a good job of inspiring.

And if by chance they don't get inspired to shut up or leave, they sure will be nice and quiet for a while. Just can't get my buddy to appreciate that part.

Let me tell you when it comes to the opposite to raving, my buddy is the best at taking forever to say something you never can understand. The one thing you don't wan to do is ask his opinion, especially right after he has eating a case of Spam.

Something about a full stomach that just makes his brain get these strange moods. That means he has to talk a lot whether or not he actually has something to say.

I can always tell when he has nothing to say. Because he'll use all these big words and keep talking about stuff that I don't understand.

Goes on and on forever about all kinds of strange stuff or things that I honestly don't even need to know. And let me tell you there are too many of those in life I would rather not even talk about.

Really can't get my buddy to grasp that part at times. So since he is my bud, I just do what I can to listen when he gets in those weird moods.

I will admit that isn't easy though at times. But conversation are only temporary, buds are forever.


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