Saturday, June 09, 2007


Yeah, this is such a cool thing to focus on. When problems are hard to deal with grabbing a stick can be so satisfying.

But you do have to be careful. Not everyone seems to appreciate this kind of solution I admit. They can be so darn unreasonable at times if you catch them at the wrong time.

Now, I do admit that this can be a bad choice if you make a mistake in terms of thinking somebody did something wrong and they didn't. Somehow if you say I'm sorry to a guy who is unconscious. They really have a hard time hearing what you said.

So it is a good thing to at least make sure the person actually deserved to be bashed. And it is at least important you get those facts straight too just in case some guy with a badge shows up later to ask some questions that can be hard to answer.

But all that being said, over all I'm pretty content with the whole stick option. You just have to be sure you get the right size stick.

Now that might seem obvious, but there are times when a huge stick really don't cut it as much as you think. Like if you try to pick out one that is too big you can't lift it. Then you really got a problem.

So you have to be sure you think this through a little. And you also have to be sure you can find a stick when you need it.

There are places this is harder than others. Like you know if you are in a big park. Now it might have lots of trees there, but that doesn't mean they have lots of branches you can use.

So you have to give it some thought. And there are times you have to keep in mind that you are talking about bashing. So that means you can't limit yourself to just sticks.

Yep, there are occasions when you have remember the sticks AND STONES rule. That means naturally that you look around for stones too.

Just have to remember that you pick out one that you can lift just like with the stick option. Otherwise it just won't work that well.

Well, I hope this help any of you out there that might have been wondering about this whole deal. We do live in times when it is easy to not always remember everything.

Which I'm always happy when I can do my part to help explain things. And if by chance we ever meet, well I will be sure to demonstrate this too if you need me too.

We can discuss ducking too along the way. I mean bending down, not some bird either. Hope you don't need too much help understanding that one.


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