Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Now for me this is when you have to deal with something that is at first glance totally bad. I mean you look at it and all you see is something that is a disaster.

So you naturally figure there ain't a single thing good that will come from dealing with problem. And if you can't forget it then you get stuck hoping you can figure to make the bad less bad.

Then if you can think of something you really get depressed. At least I do. And let me tell you when you get stuck knowing you are going to deal with crap it don't make you want to dance. Never does me anyway. But then I don't like dancing to start with.

Even if I did, I don't think it would improve something really, really bad. Might make me look stupid, but I hardly need any help with that. Er, ah, never mind that part.

What makes this whole deal even worth talking about is when something so bad really ends up turning out good. And I'm always surprised when that happens.

Which happen just the other day as a matter of fact. Otis and I were out on grimefighter assignment. We were using one of STINK's diaper service vans and it went floogie on us.

That is when it stops running. There we were out in the middle of nowhere and in the middle of the night when it broke down.

Not exactly my idea of the perfect evening. At least Otis had his squash cell phone to call into headquarters. That was sort of the good part.

Might have been even better if we didn't run into those griminals. They can be so dang annoying at times on stuff like that.

So there we were with a broken van and surrounded by bad guys. Definitely not a good thing.

Well about the time we figured we might be gonners Otis managed to try and start up the van again and it backfired. Which got the bad guys all nuts.

They ended up beating each other up while we sat there enjoying the show. Which almost being a bad thing when they called their boss for help.

But that ended up a good thing since their van load of bad guys they had coming over ended up having an accident with the van coming to our rescue. Which was not that cool in some ways.

However over all it worked out good. Sort of. Because in this one situation I didn't get in trouble. Which makes me happy since I didn't end up you know having to tell anyone that I forgot to fill up the van. By the time everything got done, nobody asked about that part.


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