Saturday, June 16, 2007


You know when it comes to beating stuff, I think I understand it pretty well. I don't think I need any lessons. It is all a matter of you know, making sure I beat them till they stop moving.

It is pretty simple as far as I can figure. No problem at all. You just take out you trusty bat and keep whacking till you are finished.

I don't think it needs much explanation or anything. And I pretty much thought it worked great with the bad guys.

What I'm unclear about is how you decide when egg needs to be beaten. I've personally never met an egg that I wanted to beat, but I saw this guy on this cooking show talking about beating eggs.

Seems of like it would be rather you know, less than a challenge. I mean it ain't like eggs can fight back.

Never even met an egg that can talk either. So I can't figure out how they could say something that might you know piss you off.

So all I can figure is that they have some kind of egg out there that can be really snotty. Gosh I'm sure glad I don't know them.

But in any case, I'm not going to go looking for them either. The last thing I want is to have to put up with beating some wise cracking egg.

Honestly, the egg might deserve it, but I would just not feel cool about saying I beat up some egg. Just don't seem like I would find that a joy.

In any case, as long as those darn smarty pants eggs don't come around me, I'll not go looking for them. Seems far to me.

Course if I'm minding my own business and one of them stupid eggs happens to come by, then I'll just tell it to leave. If it doesn't well then I will make sure it don't have a second chance to mouth off.

I think that is only far. After all why can't we just live and let egg. Well something like that huh?

I am glad I got that straight. Man it sure would not be my idea of a fun way to spend any day.

Guess for now, I got that pretty much settle. There is always tomorrow though. Eggs could be lurking anywhere. I'll just watch for any signs of chickens. Normally they hang out together.


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