Sunday, June 24, 2007


Man does this suck or what? I mean if somebody tells you this you can be sure you can't do it. Course they are trying to be what the call positive.

The only thing I know about this situation is when they are trying to be positive it means that they can't do it either. Only they don't want you to know that part.

And that is why they tell you that you can do it. Because you can be sure if they could they wouldn't bother, they would do it to hog the glory the creeps.

The big problem is even if I know the person is telling me baloney unless I can prove it then it creates difficulties. I mean if I for example sit down and say, well if it is such a good thing they you do it, they will always come back with some kind of crap.

You know how they care about you as a person and other dumb things where they want you to believe they are being noble. Which is another crock.

I ain't found anyone so far that noble doesn't mean they are going to blame you for the stuff when things go wrong. Which really is not being noble to me.

When I think of noble it is about those old guys who dressed up in those tin can suits and went off to box dragons. Never understood what they had against dragons, but it was sure important for some reason.

They after they got doing that they would go rescue some damsel in a dress. Which is good that she had a dress on because otherwise she might qualify for being rescued.

What I don't understand in all of that is how come since those dudes don't hang around any longer we need to have a prize for them. I always hear people talking about the noble prize.

What good is the deal of having a prize for being noble if all the dudes in tin cans are off doing whatever these days. Don't hear about dragons much either. Maybe they stopped fighting now. That would be cool.

So if that is the case, what the heck do we need one of those prizes for? Honestly does it make any sense.

And then they give it out for peace. I mean how does that work? Sure don't seem to have much to do with fighting if you ask me.

Plus I've seen a couple of these noble prize winners. Not one ever dressed in a tin can. What is up with that?

I don't think I want to know. I think I will be happy if they stop talking about noble if they aren't going to pass around the tin cans.


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