Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Well the theory with this is something that has worth and is going to be worth some time that will last a while. They never actually say how long the while is or what they mean by worth.

I do got to wonder on that part. I mean if this is a good thing, then I want to be given the details. Seems fair.

Only it ain't like there is any place where you can check on what they mean with all of this. Honestly you can call up a government office of I know what is worthwhile.

It just don't work that way. Wish it did. That might make it so much less confusing and i have enough trouble with that as it is.

Anyway, I've been doing my usual bang up job at thinking on this. Really worked hard to give it some special thought.

Haven't got it all figure out yet though. I will admit that much. Just not going to give up thinking just the same.

I will probably have to spend more time deciding what has worth. I guess in many ways, I figure everything is worth something.

So that kind of leaves the issue of whether it deserves lots of time. Now that can be tricky. Because it ain't like you just get more time when you want it.

If you can't I have found a way. I heard about daylight savings time. Just haven't found out where the bank is that you get to save it.

Been looking around. I mean I figure it is somewhere. Haven't seen it listed though in the phone book.

Tried looking under time in the phone book, but didn't see any listing. I tried looking under banks too, but that didn't help either.

So I figure they aren't out to brag about it. Must be you know a place that isn't looking to share.

People can be weird about such things too. Wish they would not act that way. Just ain't fair to the rest of us.

But I'm not giving up though. Going keep thinking on this till I sort out the worthwhile stuff for sure.

Then I can share it with everyone else. Providing there is enough to go round. If not, I'll have everyone take a number. As long as it aint one that don't have any worth.


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