Thursday, June 28, 2007


I have come to really hate this term. Otis uses it at times and it drives me nuts. Mainly because nearly never really turns out to be that near.

Which might be easier if there was like a given distance. Like nearly five miles might help. You know that way you would have some idea of how far nearly was honestly supposed to be.

I've just learned to appreciate with my buddy that is idea of nearly there is that it is somewhere between a short time and when your bladder bursts. Now that is really such a big difference.

And not necessarily a good one in my opinion. But I do cope with that part. Because I know that Otis has a bladder that is not as good as mine. So he'll make sure we stop before I need to. Just never when I want to.

Anyway, the other time I honestly hate this completely is when it applies to expecting help from STINK's headquarters. I have to admit there is nothing more annoying to me than calling for help when we are in a jam battling some griminals and they say, we're nearly there.

Nearly there just don't cut it when an hour later you still waiting and they say we're nearly there. Which never says anything about just how long they are going to take to get there.

And if you try to ask them on the time they just naturally don't answer that, they just come back with nearly there. Like that really helps when they still aren't there.

I tried to discuss this one with the dudes who are STINK's kind of cavalry types. Only that is always a big mistake.

Because you can be sure you won't have to end up in improving the problem. You know why? It is simple, they will say, hey were are still trying to improve things.

And if you ask when they will actually be improved they always say, nearly there. So that don't mean much as I'm sure you can tell.

Honestly, if I had a way, I would sew their stupid lips shut rather than put up with hearing that again. It really does suck.

Just will never get them to admit it. Nope they will just always savor another time of saying nearly there. Even if it doesn't apply.

I don't know, it just is hardly getting too excited about. I mean shoot man they just will keep doing it. And I don't need to here another nearly there when it ain't even close to the truth.

But they never would listen anyway, because they are too busy with that nearly there crap.


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