Saturday, June 30, 2007


What wonderful inventions we aspire to create when life isn't what we want it to be. Just truly gives us so much joy.

At least as long as we don't hear the voice inside that keeps screaming it is a lie. I've seen some pretty creative people do a good job of being deaf in that regard.

Which works right up to the point you face the consequences of one's tales. I've also observed those who miraculously never do.

That is the sad part at times to me. It really amazes me when one lives by stories of denial and never change.

Yet, God doesn't force us into always accepting the truth. Even if we are trying to follow him it doesn't mean he will prevent us from lying to ourselves.

It is truly amazing at times trying to understand and comes to grips with the way life has so many twists and turns that never make sense. But they are so common.

I wish there was a definitive answer for them. However, that doesn't happen. Sometimes we do get glimpses into reality, others we do not.

People often spend hours trying to figure out the mystery of life in terms of consequences. But often no matter how are we try we just are unable to obtain any level of reality and clarity.

So instead we grasp as whatever philosophy seems to best apply to our need. A great effort, but hardly one that truly ends real answers.

I don't think God will ever explain all life is supposed to mean in this time frame. We can hope, but in the end we can either keep trust or let the questions dominate.

For those who trust, we accept God is eternal and sees all. He is not incapable of knowing what happens on this planet.

He might not respond by our choices, but then he doesn't need to. Instead, we have the burden of continuing to trust regardless of how life changes.

That is easier in some situations than others. And if we accept God will always do what is truly best, then we can accept our need to embrace his wisdom no matter what happens.

Hopefully it guides us passed the shadows and to a place where we can truly find some peace in the midst of our questions. When we trust God to keep the answers till we can see them clearly it means too that at times it will only happen in eternity.

Perhaps the joy will be enough to even let the day seem bright when it feels so dark.


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