Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I can't speak for anyone else, but I always find this a great place to start. It just makes more sense that trying to start in the middle. And who is going to get that far by starting at the end?

Well you would think that would make sense to most people. Honestly, what is tough to figure out?

Apparently a whole lot if you go by some individuals. It is like those weirdoes who buy a magazine and look at the last page first. Is that even legal?

Honestly, I do have to wonder what kind of lunatic would do something like that? Sure not a sane person.

Course there are things where last is a good thing to do first. As in stuff like dinner. That is one of the times when eating something like dessert first isn't all bad.

Oh yeah, I love doing that. However, that is different from other kinds of beginnings. Because with food it al ends up in your stomach. So it ain't that big of a deal if your mouth gets sugar before vegetables as far as I'm concerned.

Now that same rule to me doesn't apply to stuff like reading. Why shoot their is a perfectly good reason that stories have the words, the end at the end.

I mean shoot if you didn't you might not be sure if it was the end. You might think you just were watching the beginning.

After all on movies they show credits at the end and the beginning. So you could easily get confused with the end part.

Then there are those weird people who put the finis instead of the end. I don't know fish and fins should have to do with the end of a story.

Unless it stinks so bad you think it is smells like dead fish. Only I would sort of figure you would know that before you get to the actually end.

Even though I reckon this all would make sense. It is obvious that isn't the case all the time.

Because if it was nobody would be needing to write such an informative thing like this posting. And I just doing so will be able to give you a chance in order to spare yourself the stupidity of looking like a dummy.

In case you get any funny ideas while picking up a magazine. If you can't help yourself then it is not my fault you understand. Just felt a need to do what I could to spare you the mistake before give some weird looks.


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