Monday, July 30, 2007


Lots is a cool word. I really like it. Sort of makes things seem like Christmas. Just the idea of having lots is something that makes me happy.

And to be honest I don't even care what the lots are that are lots. Just enough to know there are a lot of them.

Now personally, I do find that this is the one great thing. You know that you have a chance to perhaps make a list of all the lots that are cool to have as lots.

Mine is pretty long too. I mean there are lots of things that fit on it. And naturally some that don't.

On my personal favorite list of lots are things like jelly beans, fast food, pizza, beanies, soda and a whole other bunch of stuff I won't try to list. They are things I love when they come in lots.

But I got to be honest. There are a few lots on my no way list. The top would be naturally lots of time spent with rat boy Junior. You can forget that part.

Oh I got plenty of others too. Like lots of time with griminals. That would not be my idea of a good time either. You can forget that part.

Basically, I guess the lots that I hate are all the ones that wouldn't be fun. They just suck too much.

And believe me there are plenty of them. However, I enjoy thinking there are more lots on my good list than on my bad one.

Kind of like to think that way. Which is why I take time to keep my good list in my pocket. That way I can check it from time to time.

As for my bad list. I keep that in my sock drawer. Pretty much out of sight. Really does work so much better.

That way I don't have to check it very often. And let me tell you that is the best part for me.

Just lets me forget about them at times. Which is a good thing from my point of view. Really makes me happy to not think about them very often.

Now the hard part is trying to get the stuff on my good list to take place when I want them to. Have the lots when I want them.

I'm working on that part. Haven't figured out the way to get it to work out though. But maybe one day.


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