Monday, August 06, 2007


Now for me this is different that something like satisfaction. For with satisfaction you end up with you know feeling happy from something going right the way you wanted it to go right.

But with gratifying it is for me more a matter of celebrating when something that you saw work out where you got to see somebody get messed up. It isn't revenge or anything, more like seeing somebody just get what they deserved.

Well that is how I like to think of it. And trust me it sure feels good to. Now some would say that is a bad thing, but hey, how come?

I didn't bash anyone. Was even my idea? Just seeing some creep get what they deserve leaves me smiling and I get gratifying joy from the process.

In any case I don't know just how feeling gratified works for me. I imagine others have a different view of it.

Never can say for sure with some people. They can be so weird in that regard. Like it is a bad thing to be happy when your enemy gets the beating of a lifetime.

Now I ask you should I be unhappy if that happens? Honestly does that make sense. Oh I guess it does to people like say the Reverend Analbe.

Yeah, it talk about stuff like turning the other cheek. Only I'm not sure he always is talking about his cheek though.

He is kind of funny that way from my point of view. Yeah, really is amazing to me. He talks like you out being forgiving and what not.

Just having notice he is the one who does much forgiving. Oh he talks about it that's for sure.

In any case, you know it doesn't matter that much because I never tell him when I'm snickering over seeing a creep bite the dust.

Nope I ain't that stupid. I just figure if I don't tell him I spare myself any lectures. And who needs those?

The nice thing is how I can always take care of that problem with him by giving him a box of donuts. Or even two if I need to be safe.

Just a little precaution that helps to make me smile at times. You never actually have to admit anything when he is busy eating.

That always makes me smile.


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