Sunday, August 05, 2007


You can bet I do savor this. Nothing makes me happier than the times I feel satisfied about something.

Oh yeah, that is a real great feeling. I just truly can't get enough of those moments. Nothing warms the insides as good as feeling all fuzzy from something going your way.

Now if you could get this anytime you wanted that would be great. But it never works that way.

Instead you have to work at it a whole lot and that is a pisser to me. You better believe it! And you can be sure that takes away a little from all the joy.

It is far more satisfying when it happens when you want it to happen. Only you don't always get an option in that regard.

That doesn't keep me from wanting it that way! Of that you can be sure. Oh man does it suck when that doesn't come my way.

Part of this for me is about the hope. You just have to expect things to be there to satisfy. If you ain't looking for it, you are not going to find it.

The problem is not letting others drive you wacky with them not finding it either. It really bites when you just innocently are talking to others hoping to find a place satisfaction.

But some people are just hopeless in that regard. We never can expect them to do otherwise than suck at helping you find satisfaction.

Not that it matters very much. They probably wouldn't find it no matter what.. Just a reality I guess for them.

But I'm not going to let them upset me. Nope, I won't do it. I'm going to just think in terms of finding it myself.

So far the best place I've found it is at the candy stores. No messing with lies or sad people. Just doing what I can to know I can get what I want there.

At least I'm better off than Otis. Man jelly beans are easy to get. Sometimes Spam ain't always easy to find.

That's okay. While he grumps over it I just sit back and celebrate my jelly beans. He gets over it.

And besides, maybe along the way he just also gives some thought to finding joy in other ways.


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