Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Man, let me tell you, this is the worse kind of sucking stuff. These are the things where you get told junk that smells and even tastes good when you first taste it.

Later though, it is like swallow a year old hot dog that was green and been left outside so long it had hair. Yeah, that kind of yucky.

Honestly, it really bugs me when you deal with some jerk that does this. Oh man I hate people who are like this.

They make all kinds of sweet promises about things they will do to help you, but they never really do them. Just end up being so darn disgusting.

And naturally, being the sap that we can be, the stupid people end up suckering you into a second helping. That sure is the pits.

I mean it is bad enough to get some dude who tell you a bunch of lies, but worse when they do it in a way that leaves you thinking the next time they will tell the truth. Like that really is going to happen.

The problem is that the candy they offer you is just to dang tasty. So you can help hoping the next batch will be good for a change.

I never is, but man at the time the thought of that candy makes one go stupid. Well for that reason at least.

You sure can find plenty of others too. That is when it really sucks from my point of view.

Only problem is trying to stop being so dang stupid. Oh yeah that is a big problem. Like the kind where you are beyond the strength to get some smarts.

I wish I could say I have gotten over it. I'm still working on it you understand. And I hope that eventually here I will get over these things.

That is the nice thing, eventually, it just really sucks in terms of the in between. Honestly, I hate this when I am stupid and end up stupid again.

You got to admit that ain't a good thing. But the best thing is when I can avoid having to admit it to others.

I mean being stupid is one thing, being a complete idiot is another. And I sure hope I can avoid that possibility.

Well someday at least. You really have to sort of give yourself time in that regard. Plus having some good gummy bears helps too.


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