Friday, August 31, 2007


Yeah, there ought to always be another way to do some things. Honestly, is there a reason to think I would not be better off thinking there are times when I'm better off figure a different way to do junk.

See, I think the junk is what matters since it normally is what gets forgotten. It is never the important stuff. Just the crap. Now the important stuff might be crap, but people don't necessarily see it that way.

I do. I mean I sure know a lot of so called good stuff that is more a pain in the butt that honestly good. And the place I see this the most is at work.

Well not at work so much in terms of STINK's headquarters. Important junk there is normally important junk.

Nope, it is more like when we are out somewhere and actually doing our jobs that the important stuff stops being important. Like when somebody else thinks it sucks.

But that is kind of normal when you are talking filth and grime. We wouldn't even have jobs I guess if people took that stuff more serious.

So it does require a little effort to help them to see the light. That normally is this big flashlight that I carry and use to bash people on the head when they don't get it.

I am glad it don't take forever to get that message across. Have had a few hard heads that needed to be whacked more than once.

And let me tell you that can be such a big pain in the ass. Well, actually it is pain in my arms.

Because they get so dang tired when I have to whack people too many times. Yeah, it is such a pain when you have some people you have to hit so many time you arms get tired.

That just takes all the fun out of it. You sit there and get do dang exhausted and know when you are all done, they still won't get it.

Because you can figure that when they get out of the hospital and are conscious again they will go right back to doing the same thing. And that is why I normally take time to like you know make sure I break an arm or two legs to help inspire them to be more careful next time.

Might at least slow them down a little. Still trying to get Otis to let me try the other idea. That is where I park a truck on their chests.

Only for a little bit you understand. He keeps claiming you know it might gets us a parking ticket. Not sure I'm buying it, but can't think of a way around it right now.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "How do they grow powdered onions? I want to see the seeds for that."


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