Tuesday, August 28, 2007


This is one of those things you don't wish on your worst enemy. Maybe because the might actually enjoy it.

It is where something happens once and you didn't expect it. Because you can't plan it you since you didn't plan it that makes it tough to figure out how you can make it happen again.

Now if this a good thing, then that makes it extra important. Such as going to the store when they are having an all your can eat free sample give away. Hey, it could happen.

Okay, it has never happen to me so far. But that don't it will never happen. Just not when I want it too.

In any case this is a good time of once and again. A bad one would be say something like getting a bad dose of diarrhea. Oh man that is a once that nobody wants.

And let me tell you once is more than enough. I do like the bathroom. But not that much. At least not so I have to sit on some toilet forever and then later get stuck with my butt feeling like it is on fire.

That ain't even a one time experience I want. You can forget that. Somebody else might enjoy it, but not me.

Another good once would be when you get the birthday present you always dreamed of getting one year. Sure would be great if that had more than once, but it don't happen very often.

The other once I keep hoping will happen just once if for old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin, to get the joy of knowing what it is like to be treated the way he treated us. Yeah, now that would be one once I would truly love.

But then I know that once with that would never be enough. It could become a real cool habit.

Heck, I imagine I could even sell tickets. Yep a whole bunch of them. The types where people I would pay double for them.

But then that is with Junior. Hard to say if I would get that lucky with somebody else. Wouldn't mind giving it a try though.

Maybe some other time. You never know when that would improve the situation. Oh yeah that could be worth dreaming about.

Well at least for me it would. Only problem is that too often those are the types of dreams that never come true even once.


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