Saturday, August 25, 2007


Yep, there are times when this really is your only choice. You try and try, but sooner or later you just have to sit down and fact the facts.

That is what Otis calls it when he starts talking in terms of stuff that don't work right. Yeah, you know things that should work right, but in reality don't.

There sure are a lot of them too. Honestly, you might be surprised at the times when things that look cool end up sucking.

As a grimefighter I have to admit that this happens way to often in my life. You just start out on some assignment all jazzed and thinking, wow this time we are going to do something extra cool.

Only it never works out that way. Oh we come close at times. I will admit there are occasions which can be kind of satisfying. You know things nearly work right. Just never as great or wonderful as I would hope.

And when it gets totally screwed up then I am less than cool about it. Which brings up the problem you know. When does it get so screwed up you have to say forget it?

This is something that my buddy and I never seem to be able to agree on. I mean from my view the moment you stop getting any decent results, I say forget it.

And I wish my buddy saw it that way. But nope, he wants to keep trying and some stuff. Let me tell you that sucks at times.

I guess I do appreciate my buddy wanting to try all the times. But give me a break. If we are lost, out of gas, and it is night time, we are not going to catch the bad guys. It happens.

Not that my buddy seems to care. He just never in any way seems to be interested in that reality.

So I sit there and roll my eyes and listen to him keep telling me some good is going to happen. Which never seems to actually happen.

At least not that I have seen. And let me tell you he sure has amnesia over it too. The next time he won't even remember the last time.

He'll just act like it never was a problem before. That never seems to help in any way. Not from my view.

And I tell you that is not helping in my point of view. Which I guess in a way is his telling me I ought to forget about trying to think it will do any good to do other than forget he didn't remember the last time.


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