Monday, December 31, 2007


Well let me tell you there is really a plus to talk about somebody who is there instead of somebody who isn't. Yeah, ones that don't exist are not much help.

And if they aren't there it is hard to be sure you can know what they are doing. Really is so unlikely they will make a difference.

But I guess you can't forget about them. Because they are people. Well according to some at least.

I have to wonder about it though. I mean it is good when you can see somebody. And kind of tough when you have to talk about somebody based on what somebody else says is real.

Only you can see them. So you have to take somebody else's word that the person is real. That ain't always cool.

Not to me at least. Nope, you can be sure I don't plan on making it work for me. But I do like my buds, so I try to be kind about their friends I can't always see.

I only wish they didn't always talk about these friends like you should enjoy them too. That would be so cool if they were real enough for me to know as a bud.

However, it don't happen that way. All I get is to hear about them after the fact. With the fact being they never show up, ever.

Which is down right annoying for me when I'm trying to find out if these dudes are in anyway helpful. That can be really hard to know for sure.

I mean suppose you are going to have a baseball game? Kind of hard to expect dudes that aren't there to really help out.

Yep, you can be sure they won't hit the ball much. But they then can't strike out either. So I guess that is a good part.

But in any case, I can be so happy when I have a chance to not let these people who are there get in the way of those who are. That ain't cool

It is like when they call on the phone. Well sort of call on the phone. I mean my buddy talks to them on a phone.

Only he uses a phone that isn't there either. Which kind of makes sense given the fact that the person isn't either.

Sort of works out for the best. At least for them. For me I am just left totally confused. Which is not a good think.

Sunday, December 30, 2007


I want to know, who is this Charlie and why is it important that he has a good time? Man sure think it would be good to fine out.

After all I would like to know why does he have all this right to good times? Or do they just mention that to drive the rest of us crazy?

Yeah, how come this dude has all the fun. And where does he live? Nobody ever mentions that part either.

But that is okay, because I have a plan. Yep, I want to be able to find out if this will be something I can have a shot at.

Come on and tell me you don't want a good time also? I think we all do. Just need to find out how he manages them all the time.

I bet he has some kind of a book. Yeah, books all have that kinds of things in them. But then nobody says where you find them.

I imagine they might be over at the library. Heck, yeah they got all kinds of good stuff like that over there.

Hmmm, got to be careful though on that one. You know the dudes in the library are kind of difficult to work with.

I mean I've been there a few times. Not recently thought. Kind of had to stay away for a while.

I wouldn't have that problem except for the fact that they kind of got mad at me the last time I visited. It is my fault they don't do what they say?

I went up to the information desk and try to ask a question. You would have thought I was wanting the secrets to the universe!

Yeah, it was darn rude the way they behaved. All I wanted to know was the area code for heaven.

And what is the big problem with that? But they wouldn't tell me. I hate when they get like that.

But that is okay, I plan on waiting till another time. Then I will call them and disguise my voice.

I bet that will do it. Just enough to make it work for me. And that will get me the area code. Which is so cool.

I can be happy, because once I know the area code I can call up and ask all those important questions such as where socks disappear from the sock drawer.

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Well maybe this wouldn't happen if people would bother to tell us about it more often. Yeah, that is not a good thing.

Now if we are talking about stuff we don't need to know then no big deal. I mean honestly who needs to hear about crap?

That is just not a good thing. You can keep that stuff other than known. I'm talking about silly facts that don't help much.

I think they call it trivia. You know they kind of things we just are better off not even hearing about.

Oh well, that is what life is like a times. You know you just have to expect you are going to find certain sucky junk in life.

And there are always some who think they have to tell you about it. Which is not a good deal from my view.

You just can't bother to get some to appreciate that fact. It is like over where I work at STINK.

I do have to spend a lot of time there. Kind of happens with jobs you know. Anyway, that is the part where I end up hearing stuff that I don't need to hear.

I mean we get all this grimefighter information that we have to know. Which is cool at times.

But boring when it turns out to be silly. Man I sure don't need that. And I wish there was a way to avoid it.

Like when they are telling us about you know how to catch the bad guys. I like to know about that.

But if they start boring us with you know details about the kind of shoelaces they were, man does that bore me. It does happen though.

It is more like they don't have enough to say so they end up adding a bunch of junk to make it sound more important. And all it does is bore us.

Only you will never get them to appreciate how this doesn't help that much Or how they ought to like keep all the stupid stuff in one comment. Instead of mixing the good with the crap.

That really makes thing boring. And let me tell you that is not a way I like to spend a meeting, but I don't get much of a vote.

Friday, December 28, 2007


Oh man this is so special. The times when you get really big junk and nobody says it was a mistake.

The mistake part is where it sucks. Because it is no fun having big time stuff if you don't get to keep it.

At least that don't seem to work very well from my point of view. I prefer to you know have the kind of big time stuff that you know you can enjoy.

And I can tell you the one thing you don't want to do is ever have somebody like that old rat boy, Junior, do any of this deciding on who gets the real stuff from the crap. No way he is good at that part.

Now you can be sure if Junior does any of the deciding you will be big alright and maybe big time too, but not the stuff part right. That ain't cool.

And you can be sure he doesn't mind. In fact he down right enjoys it when he can make you miserably happy.

That is where he takes something and gives it to you. Then when you are all happy, he changes his mind.

Big time stuff should never be in the hands of big time jerks. Not if you want it to be a smile at the end.

Course Otis always has a way to be sure that Junior's idea of big time stuff gets kind of messed up. He's good at doing that.

And let me tell you I like it when he gets Junior all excited talking about cheese catalogues and watches Junior get all excited. Then later when rat boy is drooling, he just mentions it was a mistake.

You would think after that thing, Junior, would get the idea that this is not cool. I only wish that ended up with getting him to knock it off.

But it never happens. Instead he just keeps set up for the next moment. Then we go through this whole deal again.

Which always sucks, but never ends up being a good thing. Big stuff, but never the kind you want.

As for me, I plan on making sure that I don't get too excited when he brings the big time stuff. Unless in the process, that I see him carrying a cheese catalogue and Otis smiling. Then I know maybe he will be too busy to try and rip us off of our big time in the process.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "Cutting Onions makes you cry, but burping them makes the other dude sigh."

Thursday, December 27, 2007


This is another of those postings where I'm happy to be able to share some special wisdom with those in need.

Such is always a good thing from my view even with those that think it is otherwise. I don't feel like commenting on such people. Besides just because they say they know it all doesn't mean they do.

Anyway, back to this thing, for me the deal with castles and pawnshops is they to me are both about dreams. Yeah all them wishes you have for a good life.

Course castles are not everywhere. Well I guess some mansions could be castles to some people, but they are the same to me.

And that is what I'm getting at. I want to think in terms of real castles as dreams. Yeah, the kinds with moats and thrones. Oh and knights of course. You can't have a decent castle without a bunch of knights.

So a real cool castle it has to be real castle. Otherwise is just ain't the same. It is one of those phony, looks like it is, but not really is places.

Now with pawns shops it is for me kind of the same thing. See at pawn shops they got the real stuff at times. You know, the stuff you want in dreams and yet is hard to find.

Which is never what you hope it will be. That part is what you have to give lots and lots of thoughts too.

I am happy then when you can mosey over to some pawn shop and they got the dream equivalent of a castle there in some other form. It is like Santa stopped by.

But that isn't quite always true. Sometimes the pawn shop just isn't the place it ought to be.

Why? Well when the owner stops being a castle thinking kind of dude that happens. And let me tell you that is never good thing.

Fortunately that is never what happens all the times. So I love when i have a chance to do that.

Why? Well why not? It ain't always like you can castle options just anywhere. And that is the part that I have to think of as a good thing.

Hopefully in a way that we can all savor it when we get it home. I got to be honest there have been a few times when the castle I thought was a castle in the pawn shop turned out to be otherwise at home.

But that is the risk you take. Better than never finding the castle at all.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Oh man this is really so amazing. I was visiting with this friend of mine the other day. Normally he is very cool.

But there are times when I do wonder about him. That is when he invites some of this friends to join us.

Now before I said what you might be thinking, I am talking real people. Not some make up type.

Only I have to admit that his buds as he calls them are a bit different. Nice in many ways, but you know just a little strange.

Not that I mind strange so much. Just you know a little unusual. Like when they do stuff together.

They spend a lot of time in the park. It is kind of well is hard to be sure about. I mean parks are cool.

But they like to do things such as fly kites. Only they aren't holding any kites. Now that gets a little hard to take at times.

Which is okay I guess. Maybe I should be grateful because there are the other times when you know they are like well really kind of funny.

I mean it is okay with me that they you know think bushes have names and can talk. But not my idea of a good time.

Still it is cool. I have to admit the snacks aren't the best. I mean I prefer the type you can taste.

These guys used paper plates, but there is nothing on them. Which is really not very cool.

So that is not my idea of a fun time. But that is okay they do tell some pretty good jokes at times.

Oh well, it can be okay I guess when these dudes act kind of strange. Not sure I want to hang out with them all the time.

Once and a while is find though. I just have to learn to eat first. You know those air snacks are not very filling.

In any case, there will a nice time had when we do get together. It is fun to see them get in arguments with bushes I guess.

Makes for an interesting afternoon

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Boy is this a lame idea. Trying to make skates out of ice is not something I want to try. Not anytime soon.

I mean it might be okay for some, but not to me. There is just something silly to me to think you can do much skating if you have ice for wheels.

Well my idea I guess. For I really don't need to give it a try myself. I will let others do it and that's fine.

I just have trouble figuring out how this will be a good thing anyway you try it. I mean for one thing you know, there is for me the issue of how long with them suckers last?

Yeah, if you like get to go some five feet and they melt then it ain't much help. Not to me at least.

What would the fun be in that? I can imagine very much. But that is okay. And as long as somebody else thinks it is good then that is what counts.

I have no idea who that would be. Maybe somebody that loves ice. That would make sense.

Who that would be is not something I can say. Just another joy of the moment that really to be experienced.

At least that is how it appears to me. Only I don't want to be out there when these cool and I do mean cool dudes come along.

That will not be a thing I will ever chose to join. They can give me a free pair of skates and I still not going to mess with them.

But that is what I will have to work on. You know that part of going somewhere that they do this thing and check it out.

I did go by the roller skating rink. Didn't see anyone with ice on their skates though. Must be in a different place.

Oh well there are some weird people out there I reckon that will be cool for everyone. Just not ready to try and figure it out.

Now as for me, well I might try seeing if I can stick some ice cubes on my skates. Not right away.

Hope I can figure a good way to accomplish it. That is what really is going to be tough. Which is really the thing I will find in due time. Might come to find out what really sticks and what freezes your butt.

Monday, December 24, 2007


I'm not sure what kind of theory you need about things that go boom. I mean what is there to need a theory on this?

You light a match, put it to the fuse and a few seconds later you get a big bang. Is that are to figure out?

I guess that makes sense to somebody. I figure this probably only counts like on the Fourth of July.

That would be the time I figure the most big bangs would take place. Only can't imagine it is much of a theory.

Maybe those dudes like to call it a theory in case they screw up. Like if they drop the fireworks in water or something.

Don't seem like much of theory though. You pretty much know if you get fireworks wet they won't work.

But then maybe these are those brainy types who never belief junk unless they try it out. Yeah those college types that say junk like I think therefore I yam. Why thinking turns you into a sweet potato is beyond me.

Anyway beyond those crazies for the rest of us this is not hard for anyone else to figure out. At least not as far as I would imagine.

Nope, I think this is a case of people who have that kind of smarts, which is really too dang stupid. And that ain't cool at all.

But that is something I wouldn't mind helping to fix. Yeah, I think I could help these folks out.

How tough could it be to do that? All I need to do is get them straightened out on this bang thing and then everything would be find.

Yep, that would be so easy. Just show them how it works. Is that too much to ask? A simple chance to meet with them and fix all the problems.

Which could be easy from my point of view. Not a big problem at all. Just a few words spoken in the right way would do the trick.

Course providing they didn't get stupid on the subject again. That could be a real problem.

But I can imagine it might be tough to make them learn that right off the bat. Sometimes it does take a few hint. Like a kaboom in front of their faces!

Sunday, December 23, 2007


It is kind of hard to imagine something being too good. But there are lots of things that can end up that way.

Providing you don't check them out correctly. Yeah, you know like all those commercials where they promise you all kinds of stuff.

And they make it sound like it is so perfect. But then when we get to the point that it all seems cool and we get the thing in the mail, it really ends up sucking.

Yep, that is the part that really bites. Because we end up not being able to do a darn thing we expect with this thing.

That is never helpful. In fact it always sucks. And you can be darn sure that it will always suck.

But that is okay too. For nothing we do will change that part. Just moves on in various ways.

In any case we do have any times when this is a not nice thing. We have to be sure we check out these dudes first

Let me tell you that can be a major pain too. I mean I made the mistake of thinking these people actually would tell the truth.

Seemed like it was something that was no big deal. To have them dudes tell it like it is. And you know that sucks.

Because I heard of this thing called truth in advertising. And as best as I can figure the truth is there is no true.

Which one has to be willing to accept. Man when it comes to accepting things you can be darn sure there are a whole lot of things I don't like accepting.

And topping my list are the stupid morons who tell me something is going to solve our problems and it only makes them worse. This is not a good thing to me.

So you can be sure I don't think it is good. And let me tell you I'm not going to put up with that either.

There is to much of that sucky kind of good which is so good it is bad. And I'm not going to be proud and happy when that happens.

Nope, I will be anything other than happy when you are talking that area. So be forewarned, which means if you do it again, you'll get my forearm! So there Mr. Commercial dude what do you think of that?

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Ah, do you like being woke up? Well I don't. I mean I do have to get up early to collect the garbage.

Which is one thing I have to confess has never made a whole lot of sense. I mean is the garbage an early riser?

I don't think so. In fact it never even moves when I pick it up. And it is in cans so you know that people aren't going to be looking at it.

Just seems like some rule that I didn't get to vote on that says you need to get up at the crack of dawn to collect garbage. Hate that term crack too. I mean is dawn broken for some reason?

You can bet nobody answers that one. Not so far. I tried to get answers once. But never got any decent ones.

Like it was some secret. And those always suck because nobody is allowed to tell them. What good are secrets that you never get to know?

Can't control that part I reckon. But don't mean I like it. Because I can tell you that I sure don't.

It is okay though. I doing fine with the whole deal. I didn't say I was going to be excited about it either.

You know there are just times when it doesn't work for me. I say that a lot I guess. And I hope nobody blames me.

I mean after all you just have to do is appreciate that some of us do like to sleep at night. It ain't a law, but it sure does have to be important.

Otherwise you end up spending the whole day napping. And that is okay, but what the heck is that really fun either?

Kind of takes the fun out of they day when you sleep through it. Just don't work that great from my view.

So I do enjoy when I can get up without my body slapping me and saying, I'm not ready. Nope that doesn't work for me.

Again on my list of crude that is broken. Which means no matter what happens it doesn't improve my situation.

Found a lot like that over the years. Not proud of the fact, but I have learn to live with it in terms of saying so at least.

Friday, December 21, 2007


Yep, this can really spell trouble. And I mean big time headaches. Really is such a pain in the butt when the person is not wanted in the first place.

Only they don't seem to appreciate this fact and never get the idea you aren't thrilled to have their company. Like they are living on some other plane where being annoying and a pest are considered good choices.

Nope, that doesn't work for me. Such is the joy of life. Well that is how Otis prefers to describe it.

Personally to me if somebody is a jerk that is never going to be joy to deal with I don't care how much the smile or keep you entertained by acting goofy. Sorry, it just don't work for me.

Yeah, I wish there was an easy way to fix that problem. But it just don't seem to be quite the joy I would hope in so many ways.

It just is not my cup of tea or whatever. Don't drink tea, but just thought I would toss that in for what it was worth.

And let me tell you if could luck out and find a way to get them suckers who give me so much grief with this me too thing to leave me alone I would really be happy. Just not that easy to get them to take the hint.

I guess I could work on it not being a hint. Maybe yelling would work. Only I'm not sure quite if that would help either.

I do like the idea though. Finding some simple method of making these clowns go away. Having found a legal way yet, but I'm working on it.

That is what Otis calls it. Yeah, when you don't do a thing about something, but don't want anyone to know, you are working on it.

Just don't quite end up being the it, which gets anything done. Sounds good though. To somebody I suppose.

As for me, well I'm still struggling with this thing. I want to be rid of the me too people without it getting ugly.

That is another bad part, this business of something getting ugly. Is this a big problem that I never heard of before?

Seems like you ought to know you are ugly before hand. Not have to cope with it suddenly being a reality. Not sure how that happens, but I think it is really would not be a cool thing. So I vote against it.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "I heard it said, 'waste not, want not.' So does it mean if you waste you never want?"

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Let me tell you this is a very dangerous thing. Being given stuff is good, but you do have to be careful what you are being given.

I mean if you are talking about being beaten senseless, that ain't a good thing. If yo are talking about somebody handing you a bag of cash, then it something different.

Personally, I don't mind giving when it involves the things I like to give. But not when somebody wants me to give them what I don't want to give up.

Take the government. Now they get to take from me out of my paycheck and I don't even get to vote on it.

Nope that sucks. I would not think it is cool regardless of what happens. I would to like to vote on it if I could.

Only they have that give it to me option where I don't get to ask. And if you don't cooperate it is like, well they can park a tank on your chest and really make your miserable.

Now what is really silly is where they don't even ask your opinion. They just do what they want with the money.

At least if my bucks are going to be use it might be nice to have them send me a postcard showing me how it was use. Just a single picture would be cool.

Yep, that would really make me happy. You know like send me the picture of some submarine or plane and circle the part where I was paying for it. Even if it was only some wing.

That ain't going to happen I imagine. They are going to do that much either. I can imagine I would get stuck paying for bill of postage too.

Maybe if they would you know take time to just put in on television, that would be enough. And why not?

They put all other kinds of crap on there, so why not that? Might be cool to see them say, okay buddy you paid for this.

Providing you know it wasn't something stupid. I wouldn't get jazzed paying for some toilet.

Especially if they told me I had to come over and clean it. That would be my luck. Which goes back to the issue of making sure I don't get a vote on this. Seems like something they could work on. Just not sure how to make it happen. Maybe a letter would do? But then I would imagine they would charge me for reading it too.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Is there really a better word in the English language? Not to me. There is nothing that says the idea of everything being super duper and no problem than whatever.

It just sounds so cool and sophisticated to me. I mean you can sit back no matter how much things seemed to be sucking and just go whatever. Kind of like, whatever dude, I'm cool with it.

Oh yeah, I love that feeling. Like the world is great and I'm doing fantastic. Nothing it going to piss on my fire of fun.

Nope, not this time. That would never do, because I'm in whatever kind of mood. Yep, that is the way it has to be.

At least I'm so dang happy when it comes out that way. Might not work that way for everyone, but it does for me.

In any case, I can enjoy this for myself. It really does give me lots of smiles. Maybe not the kind I can brag about at times, but the type that I enjoy.

Now the biggest thing that can ruin this is when you get stuck being around an non whatever kind of a person. Yeah, they really know how to suck the life out of your whatever.

I'm talking about people for whom whatever is never an option. They couldn't whatever even with God's help.

Which is kind of weird. Because the Reverend Analbe is one of those kinds. Really it is amazing seeing how he knows God personally.

Honestly, you would think he would be the best whatever type. Just kind of hard to be one when you are like sending everyone to hell all the time.

That sort of is not a cool place to be thinking about stuff like whatever. I don't plan on finding out personally either.

I will leave that to the Reverend to sort out. He is kind of not the type to see anything as just okay.

Not really sure what besides giving him money or buying him donuts would work for him as being a whatever. Don't think I want to find out either.

I will just let him sort through that part. At least if he can between eating donuts. That sure seems to work for him.

Only don't call them a whatever. He might get pissed.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Oh man this is like of my favorite subjects. I love talking about smart stuff. I just wish there were more smart people in the world.

There sure is an abundance of idiots. And I think it would be great if we could fix that problem.

Yeah, if we has this like giant magic wand and could wave it to make everyone smart it would be so cool. I don't reckon that will happen though.

I suppose there are some people out there who just are plain hopeless in that regard. You could give them all kinds of help in terms of smarts and they would still be hopeless.

Now what I'm figuring is that we don't have to worry about everyone. There are some you can't help no matter what.

For them, you just need to leave them alone. Maybe hand them a yo-yo and that will keep them busy just trying to learn who to use it.

However, I don't want to waste time with talking about those folks. They will never be the kind you can expect to have a chance to improve.

Yeah, the ones if you explain things right they will actually do something decent for change. And you got to enjoy that.

But then it is hard to say how often you can accomplish this. I mean you can necessarily count them.

However, I do enjoy working on it. You know to feel good about doing it right. And passing on some important wisdom.

They do need help with that at helps. But you know if they sort of have smarts in their head, it might be a good deal.

Hard to always be sure though. Some people look like they are smart, but really aren't. They are sort of fake smarts.

Them you have to feel sorry for. They just make you think they can be smart with some help.

Then you have to give them test. You know to see if they got the smarts or are just fooling.

Lots of them out there. Just have to like ask the right questions. Such as if they can walk and chew gum at the same time. Not sure how that fits in, but Otis seems to think it is a good sign of something.

Monday, December 17, 2007


Now this is not a bad thing. Providing you are talking about your town as the this town and you are feeling good about it.

That is providing you are the kind that likes your town. Because if you live somewhere you hate then it ain't cool.

And let me tell you that if you live somewhere sucky you are not going to be like bragging about it. You might gripe a lot, but you are not going to be all excited.

Now where I live it is okay. Kind of weird at times, but I reckon that ain't all bad. Unless are talking like you know a crazy kind of weird. Then it can suck too.

There are some things about where I live that I have to admit don't make a lot of sense. I just you know try not to think about them very hard.

It isn't all that tough at times. Others it is impossible. I just wish you know there was a way to avoid the crummy parts.

Which is the thing I do feel we try to help fix over where I work at STINK. Yep, we really love doing what we can to make the world a better place.

It can be tough at times though. Griminals hardly like to behave themselves. And they can be so sneaky.

I tell you that is the one thing we really do have to watch out for at times. Why just finding them for sure can be a challenge.

You just never know when they will be lurking somewhere. They do a lot of that you know. Real big on lurking. Yep they are.

Which means you got to be sure you don't let any of them think that we will let them pull anything. That means not thinking anyone is other than a suspect.

Hard at times to be sure you do take care of dealing with them. So sometimes you just have to assume.

Meaning if you see somebody doing something strange you check it out. Only they don't always cooperate.

That is the part that gets real tricky. You have to be sure you don't let the think that they can pull a fast one.

True, there are times we make a mistake. Well live and learn I guess. Hard to always be happy over the learning part when the person is whacking on you for making a mistake. But that is what we have that trash trucks for. Ladies with purses don't hurt us inside of them.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Believe it or not this don't have anything to with the Reverend Analbe. I know that he is sort of in charge of Sundays and all. And they real extra important to God too, but this is about something else.

See I was watching this ad on television the other day and well this guy was selling this furniture. Well he made it clear that come this Sunday it was going to be a big sale.

I guess it must have been extra important to horn in on God's time for this sale. Hope he had the Lord's approval.

I reckon he did since mentioned about the sales being so heavenly. Which is cool. Didn't see any angels looming around though.

Maybe they were trying out the beds. I reckon they were sleeping or something. Haven't asked the Reverend about that part.

But I assume they do get sleep time. Never checked for sure. Perhaps haloes work as pillows or something.

In any case, they didn't have harps or clouds either. So I wasn't clear where they heaven part came in.

Must be something to do with that deal about his sales being real gold fines. Didn't notice the gold though either.

Maybe I ought to check with the Reverend on that part. He might have a few ideas. He could even go down to the place I reckon.

Yeah, it is located next to this donut shop. And I know that they have heaven. Because the Reverend sure hangs out there a lot.

And I think he mentioned once about how jelly donuts were so heavenly. I wonder if that applies to other donuts too?

Might be worth asking. You just never know when it might be true. I mean I don't want to miss out on any chance for heaven if I don't have to.

Gee I wonder if someone he might find some heaven in jelly beans? Worth finding out I imagine.

Well, I reckon that is another of those deals where I will have to find out later. Sure seems to be a lot of places that are heavenly.

And if there are many that represent the other place. Don't think I want to see their ads. Might not be a cool option.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


I can say this is a cool thing. Well providing you are talking the kind of end that gives an ending that you like.

Otherwise that just isn't the same thing I want to know about. Endings can be cool. But if they suck, then they just aren't worth it.

Not to me at least. Oh I suppose that is cool in some places. Can always tell what gives other a reason to want the end of something.

I wish the ends I wanted to happen would be my choice. Like I would sure not mind seeing old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin, get the end of his being a jerk.

That would sure make my day. I realize that is a dream and probably not a good one to expect.

But that don't keep me from hoping. You got to have hope for something. That would really be a nice option.

I can dream at least. You have that right. It is one thing you hope won't end. Nope, dreaming is something you just love to keep have taking place.

But so far nobody has made a rule against that. As long as you don't count the Reverend Analbe. He sort of makes most things sound like they are illegal.

Outside of him, unless something happens that I'm not expecting, I don't imagine that the politicians will make that illegal. Might be kind of hard to enforce anyway.

Other than that I reckon we do have to consider the things some other people might consider as ending. Like stupidity.

That would be cool. Not sure some would even know the difference though. People can be kind of weird in that regard.

They just sort of don't seem to grasp that option in terms of hope. Guess I can sort of understand.

I mean sometimes you do seem to thrive on that kind of stuff. Not me. Well not very much.

Nope, I prefer smart to stupid. Just not that easy to find on some occasions. Which is not all bad.

Just not always what you hope for. And so I just prefer to hope it will end by some means.

Probably when they make being smart illegal. We all seem to break laws at times.

Friday, December 14, 2007


There are times when we have to look at what we have and rejoice at the blessings. There are others when it is necessary to change what we have.

It isn't always easy for some of us. But there are occasions when more is not an option. As with living in a house verses living in an apartment.

Most people would understand that option. They would appreciate the need for more when it applied to such situations.

But there is a difference for example between a house and a mansion in terms of housing. One is need, the other is more for show.

We do need to focus on the difference in the terms of long range priorities. Not in the area of housing, for that is just an example, but in terms of the greater reality.

Which is in terms of all the things required for life. And it is so easy, to be consumed with wanting the latest version of whatever because we decide it is a good thing.

Naturally, we will justify the process. Not by asking God of course, that will never be a choice.

For we know what God will happen to reply if we ask him about that question. It would just be too obvious.

So we just try to avoid that issue. And God in his mercy does a lot of times grant us grace for such situations.

What will flee the situation is our joy. If we mood and desires are not grounded in faith and guiding by his spirit, we can find the reality of happiness we crave totally elude us.

Only we might not actually realize this truth at the time. It will come with that haunting sense of emptiness.

That will nag at us till we see the reality of our choices and recognize how we stray from the Lord's will. However, some will never embrace this fact.

No matter how much God tugs at our hearts, we just keep clutching at our toys and keep thinking it is a good thing. It never really is, but we think it is a good thing.

Thus it the nature of our reality. And how it burdens us by our own choice. To move ahead is to stop letting what we crave be our god.

Then in the silence of our moments of resignation, we learn the lesson intended all along. Some will learn it well, others with bitterness, but better to learn than to not understand and live in blindness.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "Who is going to give me the IOU for my part of the National debt?"

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Now my big question with this is what time will this happen? I think it is a fair question. Only it never is quite the way it works in terms of getting a decent answer.

Yeah, I hear this mainly in movies and you know there as some times when some really slick dude says it. Then you like wonder why another time isn't more specific?

Like it is some secret to be saved for later. Yep, I do have so much of a reason to wonder about that deal.

See, most of the time the one saying that is like a real smart dude. And very sneaky too. So you know that when they say that it means they got something bad planned.

Only being smart dudes they won't tell you when. Just this another time crap. Which really bugs me.

Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter that much. Because you know with those sneaky rats they never play fair.

Yeah, you just can figure that will come out that way. So you just know you have to do what is called watching your back.

I got to admit that I have tried it and it never works for me. Oh I can see it in a mirror, but never that good.

Really not sure what to watch for either. Unless it is the chance those jerks managed to stick a sign on your back that says, kick me.

Now that would be the kind of thing I would expect them to do. Not that I want to let ti happen.

Instead I will prefer to think of something more practical. Like finding them first and beating the snot out of them.

Just not sure where to find them. And that is the part that I hate. You just never can trust them.

So you have to put that off to another time. Only you can't be sure on it either. So that sucks.

I think I will just do what I can to avoid them altogether. Which is never easy. Since they show up in so many darn movies.

I can tell you that is not a cool thing. And I'm glad that I don't have to worry about it very often. Unless I have to go to the movies. Then it is a big problems. Heck you just have to learn to carry a bat to be safe I guess.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


How is this a good deal? Being broke is not a good thing to me. So how is going their, wherever there is a good deal?

Honestly, if this is a place is on a map somewhere I don't think I would care to have directions. You just got to question the logic of it.

I mean first of all the going part really bug me. I'm going to be expected to pay for going there?

And that is so when I do get there I will be even more broke? Does this make sense to anyone other than me?

If so, I don't think I want to meet them. They sure sound so darn weird from my point of view.

But then you do have to make allowances. That is what Otis always says. Which sort of amounts too being willing to you know accept that people are strange.

That ain't my idea of an allowance. I used to get one back home. They gave stuff like money or jelly beans. But nothing stupid.

What kind of crummy present is that? I don't plan on opting for it. I would rather let somebody else do it.

In any case this going for broke is something I will pass on. Which isn't too surprising. For how they heck would I need to have that kind of help?

For myself I will pass. There is no way I am doing traveling so i can reach a place that will take away money from me.

I bet it is run by the people who make up the taxes. Yeah, it sounds like the kind of lame idea they would pull.

But I ain't going to fall for it. That would never do. I just think such darn people ought to be made to stay by themselves a lot more.

And no way they should be allowed to be in charge of some place that is going to make you broke. That is just down right sucky.

So I figure I better see if I can figure out a way to stop these darn people. I have no way to know what will work, but I'm sure something will.

And when I go I am sure going to tell them what I think of their pulling this crap. It sure won't be thank you either. Maybe I will speak to them with my bat. Yeah that would really be a good way to going for broke in terms of brain cells.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Oh man let me tell you this is a very important. A person really needs to know the times when this is a good deal.

This is extra important if the person is a dunderhead. Those are the morons who think you can do anything.

There are way too many of these jerks out there. Yep, some really amazing people. They leave me amazed they can get through the day.

Oh yeah that is a big issue to me. I really try to keep this is perspective. You just got to put with way too many who are not all there.

Now I'm all for things like confidence. But does that make sense if you don't make allowance for the times when there are just too many dang things you absolutely know for sure won't work.

Take for example if you had some poor dude in a wheelchair. Hey, I do feel sorry for him. I hope you know that.

I just mention it because of the fact that I do have to wonder would it be cool for this person to think like they were perfect? I ain't saying the guy isn't great. And I suppose you know he could be perfect in some way, just not totally perfect.

At least not as far as I could accept. So is there a problem with him being okay with not being perfect?

I think so. Shoot, you can be cool no matter who you are if you work it right. Just can be so dang upbeat you think you can fly without a plane.

Those are the kinds that sort of worry me the most. They really suck. Like that is very likely.

Then you have to sort of cope with them acting like they are better than the rest of us. Man does that bite.

I do have my own way of dealing with people who do that. Only I can always say I have the best solution.

Just sort of give it my best shot. And sometimes that works others it does not. Only you just hope if they want to bore you they do it elsewhere.

Now I'm off to deal with this one dude who has been driving me nuts. A real jerk. And yeah he thinks he is perfect.

But I get stuck dealing with him anyway. You suck up to him enough and he gives you free food. With the extra headache.


Oh yes, this is great. I love when I can spend time feeling good I made an effort at something.

It just is so satisfying. And let me tell you that is something that can never happened enough in my book.

Only I don't think we have a chance that often. Nice try just don't work that well for many. Kind of like close.

People don't seem to get excited by that either. You may have tried your best, but it just ain't the same if you like didn't win big time.

Let me tell you nice try sure don't come up that often over at STINK. I wish it did, but the boss, Dr. Hemoglobin just don't seem to regard that as a good thing.

It just don't seem to impress him when you give something your best effort if you don't do something spectacular. He gets kind of picky in that regard.

Oh well, that is okay, we are doing the best we can. And that counts in my book. Maybe not to him, but I think it is a pretty darn good thing.

You just can't get him to look at it that way. Like the other day when we were you know over at this one assignment.

Here we were out on patrol and ready to pounce on the bad guys. Oh yeah, that was really something we were ready to do.

So we got to the place and man this was really a surprise. We caught them suckers right in the act of messing with garbage cans.

We all got really excited and figured this was going to be a really great moment. So we all raced in there and stated beating the snot out of those guys.

Boy, did we feel good because we won even though those guys put on a real fuss. They sure gave us lots of resistance.

So we were there and you know feeling so proud. We thought this was going to be one heck of a good victory.

And it might have been, except for one minor detail. The guy who gave us the address, wrote it down wrong.

I got to admit it was rather odd when we went to the park. Turns out those guys worked for the park's department. But we didn't know that. Only that sort of made a difference in Dr. Hemoglobin's eyes after paying all those doctor bills for those guys. Guess nice try just wasn't to be expected in that situation, but it might have been nice.

Sunday, December 09, 2007


ANSWERING MACHINESI think this is a big rip off. Man I ask you how come they tell us how great these are and you can spend all day asking questions of the thing and never get a single answer.

What is the big deal with that? Is this like some kind of sick practical joke? I have to wonder.

At first I figured that maybe we got a defective one. You know that can happen. But from my view that doesn't make it a good thing.

So what I did was to go over to a friend's house to see if maybe their answer machine had any answers. And I will say that it did at least give me the time.

That is more than my answering machine seemed to be able to do. Other than that, it sure didn't cooperate very much.

This is one of those deals where I figured that perhaps you know that maybe his was not working right too. So I went over to another friends and check his machine.

It didn't do any better. So that made me really pissed off. And let me tell you that is something that doesn't make me happy.

In any case, I figured the best deal was to like be sure that I took the time to go over to where they sold these things. Maybe they didn't know there was a problem.

Yeah, I thought it was a good idea to let them know. So I told the dude behind the counter about the problem.

Well he sure wasn't any help. I swear you would have thought I asked him something really stupid.

Never did get a decent answer from the dude. Which sort of told me that it was a big problem that maybe accounts for why the machines don't work right.

I mean if the dude selling them can't give you the answers then it explains why his stupid machines are crummy at it too. So I guess I can sort of appreciate why they aren't working right.

Now I sort of solved our problem. I took this phone and took it off the hook and then turned on the television to the news station.

That way the person calling could hear something good and informative. Hope they appreciate it when the they call.

Funny, the phone doesn't ring much when it is off the hook. Guess people are just busy that's all.

Saturday, December 08, 2007


I'm I weird or what? I mean I do have to ask, what kind of job is it that you don't use your hands?

Well, I'm sorry but I do have to ask that question, because apparently it is true for somebody. I have no idea who, but somebody.

Now maybe and I hate to think of it that way, but what if you had somebody working with no hands. Then I could see where that might be important.

They would need to know that such things require you to have arms. Hmmm, they never talk about feet, so I guess that isn't the same problem.

But for now, I just want to concentrate on this whole idea of hands on jobs. Like doesn't happen all the time.

Well maybe for some this is no big deal. I bet they are some kind of supervisors or something. Then I could understand it.

So the only thing I can figure is that this is another situation where there is stuff not mentioned in all of this. Like you know they don't want us to know all the facts.

Which to me means that something is missing. Exactly what I can't say, but it must be something really important they left out.

I kind of thinking that you know perhaps this is about say people with no clue on what to do with their hands. Can't imagine who, but sounds like a dufus to me.

That is somebody who is like all thumbs. Really scary sounding, but I have heard of this before.

Makes me think they were really clumsy and cut off their other fingers and all the hospital had a available were thumbs. Now you do have to feel a bit sorry for somebody like that.

Just hope this isn't a big problem. Like what if they got some machines that eat fingers and don't tell you, but need more hands because the machine keeps eating the fingers?

Now that would be really mean. And let me tell you that wouldn't work for me. I sure hope that isn't the case.

But to be safe I don't figure I will mess with applying for one of those jobs. And especially if the person doing the hiring only has thumbs.

Good thing to check I reckon. Might be really noticeable when you shake their hands and I know I would see it.

Friday, December 07, 2007


I don't know, soup is okay I guess, but not my favorite thing. I didn't say that I didn't eat it just that it isn't my favorite thing.

Unless it is like where you take fudge and ice cream and make a real messy kind of soupy thing. Now that is really tasty.

But not sure that applies to stuff like onion soup. I got to admit that it is hard for me to figure why you would even want to put a big onion is some water anyway.

I bet it takes forever for it to get soft. Which is why I wonder how come they don't use like onion rings in soup.

Sure would make more sense to me. But then for me I would just prefer to have the onion rings by themselves.

You could keep the soup for somebody else. That sounds like a good idea from my point of view.

Now I will admit that I don't mind onions. Even pretty good on say hamburgers or as a dip, but just not the same to me if they are in some pot.

I guess I worry about whoever fixed the soup with the onions in it was maybe crying. And let me tell you I sure don't want to eat somebody's tears.

No thank you on that part. I just will not think that is a cool thing. People can be so weird in that sense.

You know they would hardly boast about crying into some pot of soup. I bet they wouldn't go for the idea of telling others.

As for me, well I don't know, I think I will just make sure I don't bother with it. Even if it comes in a can.

Yeah you can't take any chances. The soup might have been messed with by somebody else.

I don't like that idea. Instead if I get in the mood, I will do what is called making it from scratch. That is the part where you get to scratch the food before you use it to be sure it is okay.

Yeah, I like that part. I sure don't want to risk messy with some stupid onion that is all yucky inside.

Just a special tip of important helpful hint to those unsure if it will be a good choice for down the road.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "How come they call them security systems if they don't make you feel secure as in never worry. They make me worry if they will keep working."

Thursday, December 06, 2007


This has to be important. I mean they made a movie about it. Haven't had a chance to see it, but I know it has to include a one and it is red and big.

I'm not much for big numbers to speak off. Unless they are like on a paycheck, those they are not red as I recall.

I tried to you know think of what might be cool being red and one. And the first thing that came to mind was a red licorice vines. They look like a one, sort of.

So I reckon somebody came up with a giant version. And I could see where that would make for a cool movie.

But from best as I can tell there are a bunch of soldiers in the movie. Well I guess you know that stuff is so tasty I couldn't blame them soldiers for wanting to each it all the time.

However, I'm not sure it would be cool to like shoot people over it. That to me is taking this whole candy thing way too far.

I like my candy too, but man I sure am not going to run around blowing people up over some licorice. Okay there was that one time when I sort of freaked out when they ran out of jelly beans at the candy store.

But the judge didn't yell too much. That nice lawyer did seem very helpful. All that stuff he made up about me and my bat being nuts, well it was clever.

In any case, I only have to see the doctor twice a week now. And he stop asking about my childhood.

Guess he was envious of all my good times I had with them singing bears that only I could see. But heck they were really lots of fun.

And I was glad they were able to escape from that zoo and all. Hiding out made lots of sense.

I reckon it might have been good if I mentioned that part. But that doctor didn't seem to feel we need to talk about that part.

Might have had something to do with those other things I told him about. But what the heck I thought everyone knew that plants were from another planet.

At least they are in that movie. Gee, I guess I forgot to mention that part also. Well maybe I will remember during our next visit.

As soon as he gets back from his vacation. Been gone a year like the one before him though.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


I'm sure a few might be wondering what these two have in common. Well it is easy. It is a place as the hose on your brace. Providing you can see the forest for the sneeze and know if a tree falls when it should have stood and nobody is a bear does it still make a clown?

I hope that made it all make sense. For after all how tough can it be to appreciate that these are both that the stuff of creams are made of. Well I guess that might be dreams huh?

In any case it is the good times when you know we have to savor those things that we want so dang bad and thrilled when it happens as we thing. I love that feeling.

Nothing would be more cool then than having a castle made out of brownies. Course you might need you know to be sure you could keep whipping up more brownies so that it would all be fixed when you ate up part of the walls.

And talk about thrones? Wow that would be the really fun stuff. A nice to put your butt that would have a nice fudge taste for later.

How could anyone not think this was pure heaven. Haven't heard if there are brownies in heaven though.

Don't even know if there are castles either. But I heard them talking about you know mansions so that might be the same thing.

I understand there is some big feast too. Only not sure what all they serve. Hope it includes brownies for dessert.

Perhaps for that part I need to check with Reverend Anable. I do appreciate with him how he has thing for donuts.

But he has never said if you know brownies and donuts are in heaven. However, he hasn't said they aren't there either.

So you just have to figure that they are most likely there. Shoot I bet that part of that stuff they call am-browns-yah.

Shoot yeah that has to be it. Oh wow that will be so cool if that is possible. But I hope they got milk too.

Now that would be the part that is kind of important too. It sure wouldn't be much of a heaven if you had all this good stuff to eat and nothing to drink.

Hopefully it comes in a castle too. Might as well toss that in just in case you think you know I forgot about that part.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


What I want to know is this dude some kind of big shot? If he is then he really is super important since you never see him anywhere.

Oh you do hear about him at times. Like he's lurking around the corner, but never actually bothers to show his face. Sounds like of spooky to me.

Anyway, from as best as I can figure this guy has something to do with sand and I reckon he sneaks around and tries to toss it in people's eyes. Because they seem to talk about how you end up closing your eyes whenever he shows up.

And what is the deal with sheep? They talk about how you need to you know counting them.

Only I can figure out how you manage to count sheep with your eyes closed. Heck I don't even know where you find any sheep to count in the first place.

But apparently this sandman dude has something to do with sheep. I figure maybe he like hangs out with shepherds or something.

Why, I have no idea, but I guess it makes sense to him. I supposed some time I will have a chance to ask him.

Providing he doesn't get weird and try tossing sand in my eyes. That would not be very cool and I sure wouldn't enjoy it.

As for the sheep, well I guess as long as they behave themselves that would be the best part. I sure hope they don't end up farting a lot.

Because if they do then there would be a big problem for me. I sure can sleep very well if I'm sitting there and asking, "what's that smell?

Oh well, so far I have not had to worry about that. So I guess this sandman dude is kind of busy and doesn't have time to drop by for a visit.

Hmmm, I wonder if he likes jelly beans? Well, I hope so. Might be nice if he had some with him in case we met.

Hope he doesn't cover them with sand though. Don't reckon that would improve the taste much.

And if he hangs out with sheep I hope he doesn't let them taste them before sharing. I figure it is best to find out this before he offers me a snack.

Hope he wouldn't expect me to close my eyes first. That would be a good thing for him to explain first.

Monday, December 03, 2007


I don't know where this would be, but let me tell you I bet it is a good place. I do have to admit that dreams I understand. They are the cool things you deal with at times. I mean in terms of you know, having great ideas.

What I am not sure about is where you find this location. I have seen it on any map. But I'm sure it must exist.

Now I was sort figuring that it might be a good deal if say I also got a map for the place. Only so far I have found the place you can do that.

I sort of decided that this is some kind of conspiracy, most likely be the folks who make beds. Yeah, I bet they have something to do with this.

After all it does seem like we have most of our dreams while in the bed. So surely them bed people have some idea about where the dreams go.

Maybe there is some hole in the pillow we don't know about. Oh yeah that would be just like those jerks to do something like that.

Meanwhile, I also figure the pillow people might have something to do with it too. Heck they probably plan it that way. You never know.

Gosh you just never can say what all those creeps who plan conspiracies might try to pull. And that works for me.

For when in doubt I figure just decide everyone is guilty. Then you can go around and beat whoever.

Just in case you understand. Some might find this to be a bad choice, but not me. I figure it makes sense.

All I need to do is plan for it. Like getting out my old trusty bat. It is always good for such deals.

Plus it helps if the person is say having trouble with not being able to dream very much. Yeah, a bat can do wonders for that problem.

I didn't say people always appreciate the effort. People can be so dang annoying in that regard.

But that is okay, I figure I can handle it. Just a matter of being sure that you take time to get ready to help when it is asked.

Sometimes I have to sort of use my imagination on that part. Honestly people can be such a pain in that sense when they pretend they didn't say bash me when it sure sounded like it to me.

Sunday, December 02, 2007


Gosh don't you just hate when this happens? I mean really, what is more pathetic than when you are convinced something is good and it ends up sucking?

I hate all those times when fine turns out not to fine. I hate it even more so when the thing started out really seeming like it was going to work out as fine and then whammo kicked you in the head.

I got to admit that I don't know of any fine meter you can buy. Wish there was. Instead you have to depend upon other types of ways to determine fine.

And let me tell you there are lots of those. Only again you have to be kind of smart to use them right.

One way is to start with if the thing is edible. Now this can be tough because some of the stuff people claim is edible isn't.

Basic rule for me is if it doesn't have sugar and you can't smother it in ketchup it is suspect. I know my tummy will know the difference.

And honestly that is a big deal. I consider edible fine to be one you deal with every day. There are some kinds like having a fine day, which are more or less ify.

By that I mean you know that you have to be careful when you start out each morning to be sure you check the weather. Because that will really have a lot to do with whether something is fine with a given day.

Oh man you can be sure that there are a lot of times when days are just too unpredictable. Yep they just really are hard to figure out.

I just sometimes wait till you know about noon to decide. And a big factor is where we end up going to lunch.

Yep back to the food thing again. Oh man is that ever a big deal. There is just something super important at times about this being a food deal.

And let me tell you what this really will make me day, that is for sure. I just try so hard to deal with this and keep a smile.

Now that can get tough if Otis gets motivate for some reason to go to one of those places that only sells salads.

Man talk about scary. That can be so dang tough to deal with. Not my idea of fine. Boy let me tell you most of the time it isn't for him either.

But that is fine in other ways, because once we go to those places he is gets enough salad to last for a whole month.

Saturday, December 01, 2007


These four words can sure be scary if said by the wrong person. Let me tell you if the wrong dude says them, you better just plain run away.

Because you can be sure that one favor is not what will happen. It will be more like you are auditioning for the job of serf and you plan on it being forever.

But you can be sure darn sure I plan on making that my option. Nope, not me. That just sucks too much.

You just have to be sure you don't get suckered in by the wrong person on this deal. And man let me tell you there sure are a lot of them. Way too many.

Not the obvious ones are easy to see. People like rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin, is a big one for this kind of stuff.

I'm just glad he don't get to pull this all the time. Man that would be really a nightmare to me.

It is the sneaky ones that you really have to worry about. Yeah there are too many of them. They can be so unexpected too.

Man let me tell there is nothing annoying than a fake do me a favor person. They come up and pretend to be your pal.

They might even buy you lunch just to seem like they are cool. And after you sit there and decide the person is a nice guy he pulls this do me a favor thing.

Which is okay I guess, just not quite the fun I imagine. And the more they get sneaky about it the worse it gets.

Like say if they sort of sucker you with a nice trail of cookies. You follow it for a while and decide it is good and then learn to late that the trail lead to some chore.

Only it is never one chore. It is just the beginning of a bunch of chores. And each time the still say, can you do me a favor?

That makes it even worse. Now the nice thing with this is if you can divert attention away from yourself by giving it to somebody else.

Talk about something fun, that really gives me a smile. For it feels so good if you manage to get another person who is a jerk to do that.

Really does work out though. If you deal with it right. And I sure try. Just gets kind of confusing if you aren't careful.

Some people get bent out of shape by too many favors.