Tuesday, December 04, 2007


What I want to know is this dude some kind of big shot? If he is then he really is super important since you never see him anywhere.

Oh you do hear about him at times. Like he's lurking around the corner, but never actually bothers to show his face. Sounds like of spooky to me.

Anyway, from as best as I can figure this guy has something to do with sand and I reckon he sneaks around and tries to toss it in people's eyes. Because they seem to talk about how you end up closing your eyes whenever he shows up.

And what is the deal with sheep? They talk about how you need to you know counting them.

Only I can figure out how you manage to count sheep with your eyes closed. Heck I don't even know where you find any sheep to count in the first place.

But apparently this sandman dude has something to do with sheep. I figure maybe he like hangs out with shepherds or something.

Why, I have no idea, but I guess it makes sense to him. I supposed some time I will have a chance to ask him.

Providing he doesn't get weird and try tossing sand in my eyes. That would not be very cool and I sure wouldn't enjoy it.

As for the sheep, well I guess as long as they behave themselves that would be the best part. I sure hope they don't end up farting a lot.

Because if they do then there would be a big problem for me. I sure can sleep very well if I'm sitting there and asking, "what's that smell?

Oh well, so far I have not had to worry about that. So I guess this sandman dude is kind of busy and doesn't have time to drop by for a visit.

Hmmm, I wonder if he likes jelly beans? Well, I hope so. Might be nice if he had some with him in case we met.

Hope he doesn't cover them with sand though. Don't reckon that would improve the taste much.

And if he hangs out with sheep I hope he doesn't let them taste them before sharing. I figure it is best to find out this before he offers me a snack.

Hope he wouldn't expect me to close my eyes first. That would be a good thing for him to explain first.


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