Sunday, November 25, 2007


Now I wonder at times about these places. I mean what kinds of claims are they suppose to sell anyway?

I went in one time to ask this one place about that. And you would believe what they told me.

I figured you know maybe they would tell me all the cool stuff you could claim. So I stood in line and waiting forever to get some gal behind a desk to talk to me.

And the first thing she wanted to know is what I had lost. That is pretty darn ridiculous if you ask me.

To presume you lost something. Like they were saying I was totally irresponsible or something.

Then she handed me a form to write down what I lost. Well let me tell you that was really bizarre. I mean I was suppose to put down junk like my name and address.

Now let's be realistic about this. Who loses their name? Come on does that make sense? As for an address now that is really insane.

Let's face it who is going to lose a whole apartment? It ain't like they can be put in your pocket or something.

I tried pointing that out to the lady, but she wasn't exactly being all the encouraging. So after we got to discussing things like losing apartments she ended up having me talk to her supervisor.

That didn't quite help. He was an even bigger pain it the butt than she was. He kept asking for my policy number.

And I told him I didn't even have A policy let alone more than one. So how could I have a whole number of them?

And that didn't get him to see the light. Heck I even pointed it out to him. Right before i pick up that lamp and bashed him with it.

Never did get a claim for anything. Did get a ride in a police car though. And a free nights stay over at the police station.

They weren't all that helpful though. I wasn't to impressed with their accommodations. Might have enjoy the more if they didn't have bars on the windows. Guess it is a popular place if the have to do that to keep people out.

Oh well I guess I'll go and ask about those claims on another occasion after that restraining order expires.


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