Friday, November 16, 2007


I just found out the other day that this ain't a new form of delivery. I sure was hoping it did.

Main I just figured deliverance meant that you got something in a rush. Kind of clever play on words.

Boy do I wish that was the case. I mean when I heard about this deliverance thing I figured man this is cool another chance to get stuff delivered.

I was a little confused you know over how in the world that the Reverend Analbe got involved with delivering thing. But who knows what all God had in mind in terms of the Reverend.

So I went over to his meeting place on the night they were having what he called a deliverance meeting. Boy some of the stuff they were talking about sure was strange.

They were talking about junk like getting deliverance from evil spirits. Well you can be sure that I didn't what to have any of them delivered to me.

I kind of thought you know it was rather weird that they would even want to be shipping evil spirits. I never found out what the cost was, but I don't plan on asking for any reason either.

Man that is not my idea of fun. And I never imagine it would be for them either. Just sounded kind of strange.

But then I guess since they spend so much time you know fighting those bad evil spirits they would have a reason to be wanting to get rid of them. Just not interested in having a delivery for myself.

I'm sure glad I don't work delivering them either. Can't imagine it would be fun. Yeah, not something I would enjoy.

But then that is me. Guess for the religious types it is something fun to do. Just hope they don't ask me to help out.

And let me tell you I sure don't want to be among those who end up getting them delivered to me either.

I think for myself I will just pass. I will head on over to some place where they deliver good junk instead.

If I'm going to get a deliverance of some kind I would rather have it be sugar and tasty. That works for me.

And most of the time I'll stick with that choice.

Thought for the week: "Bumper stickers. Great idea, but what if you sell the car, do you get to keep the bumper?"


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