Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Now I bet you are wondering how these two could go together. Yeah, I bet you are thinking old Philo has cracked or something.

But I haven't. Not at all. I don't care what those guys over at STINK say, I just see things different. And that ain't always a bad thing.

Okay, they say I see stuff that ain't even there. But that only happen once. It don't happen all the time.

I mean anybody can make a mistake. So I was stuck in that room with the door closed and no windows. And I was using that new cleaning fluid. The one that sort of hadn't been tried yet.

The guys in STINK's lab came up with it. Claimed it was going to be a good thing. Which is nice, only that isn't white how it felt.

I don't know, but to me walls are not suppose to move if you ask me. And last time I checked there were no real purple tomatoes dancing under a green umbrella in my socks.

So, I was just telling the other guys about it and figured they would understand about the cleaning fluid and all. But they sure weren't all that understanding.

I did learn my lesson though. I don't tell them such things anymore. So the other day when those dudes in that silver craft landing on my lawn and tried to give me this deal that they claimed would cure all the sickness in the world, I didn't buy into telling anybody.

That is the part where I gave thought to about the faxes and soap. See you use both when you have too. Otherwise you don't think about them that much.

Now I don't do much faxing though. You got to have a fax machine for that. Which isn't quite as it is with soap. Though it does come in dispensers.

But you do have to push a button to get it to work, so I see that as sort of the same thing. And again that is something which you just don't do every second.

However, you do need to do it sometimes. Which is the important thing to remember. If you screw up and forget you can be in big trouble.

Because unwashed hands and unsent faxes never give us much reason to feel good about things. You just feel all crappy inside.

And who needs that. So my advice is wash your hands before faxing. And you feel better in the morning. Or at least at a time that counts. At least where I'm keeping score. Which is easy for me to do the way I count stuff.


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