Monday, November 05, 2007


Oh my this sucks. Let me tell you there ain't nothing more scary to me as a grimefighter than when I have to sit and face my boss, Dr. Hemoglobin's judgment on what we did.

Now Otis doesn't seem to worry about it much. That is on account of him being so dang good at explaining things.

Yeah it is amazing how he can make a goof look like something great. By the time he gets through talking about it you would figure we did good and didn't mess up at all.

Man is that so cool. And I really like when that happens. Well at least the times when it works right.

Those are the times when stuff gets believed. Yep, I sure like those times. Those make the times he thinks we are silly all the easier to handle.

And let me tell you those are not cool. Otis sure never gives up though. I like that part. He will make it so much fun in terms of being so real.

Only some times try as he might, Dr. Hemoglobin gets in a tizzy fit over something. That is when he freaks out and thinks we are crazy.

It sure isn't good when that happens. Honestly it sucks so dang much. I just hate when that is because we tried to explain how we back up in a garbage truck over some motorcycle cop's bike.

I suppose it would be easy to get him to believe the parking break gave out if the cop wasn't on the bike at the time. He gets kind of picky on that part.

Not as much as the cops though. They really don't have much understanding over such things.

But that is not a good thing. So we do try to avoid those situations. And sometimes we even succeed.

Personally, I thought that Otis did a great job of explaining this deal in a way that made sense. Only the cops weren't any more embracing of it that Dr. Hemoglobin.

Which is not the way that I like to see things. And wish they were more understanding on that deal.

But at times they can be such pains in that regard. When can lead to the worse kind of judgment day.

The kind that comes standing before a judge in a courtroom. Otis is smart enough to let some lawyer make up junk then. We learned that the hard way though.


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