Friday, November 09, 2007


I think this is a terrible thing. People suing other people for suing. I have to ask how do you even manage this?

Honestly what do you sue them for? Unless perhaps if you stepped on their toe I could see it then.

But otherwise it just seems to me to be a silly idea. I guess lawyers don't care though. They seem to enjoy suing people a lot.

I suppose I can understand it too. I mean after all they do spend all day hanging around courthouses.

So you do have to kind of figure that they do need something to do while there. Not sure if they couldn't find a better way to spend their time.

Yeah, like maybe collecting junk. That seems like a decent way for people to spend time for a lot of people.

So how come instead of suing so many people for junk like jumping they can't do that? I would that would work.

But no, them darn lawyers just seem to hung up on this suing thing. Not sure why it is such a big deal to them either.

Just figure like that say you can't teach an old log new bricks. Kind of not sure what that has to do with you know lawyers, but I guess you have to figure they might have some logs somewhere.

As for me, well I don't plan on going over near them lawyers any time soon. I think I will just not take any chances in case for some reason I do have to jump.

I reckon they would find something wrong with it. And then you get stuck you know after to help them find the light.

That is the one you get them to look at so you don't end up having them watch you. It can be such a tough thing to do too.

Unless you are in a position where you got some flashlight that you can use. Then you bash them with it and that solves the problem.

At least that way Otis doesn't get pissed at me about using my bat. I hate when he does that.

But lawyers seem to hate it too. Which is why suing for leaping isn't the only thing they do when it comes to my bat.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "Just say no? Why? Can we say yes if it is for take out?"


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