Thursday, November 22, 2007


I got to admit this is down right horrible. When stuff that was there one minute is not there any longer.

This sure happens a lot where I live and let me tell you, I don't like it one bit. Stuff ain't just suppose to vanish like that.

Not to me. And you can be sure if it is that kind of stuff then I don't want any part in it. But you can be sure that I'm going to fix that problem soon enough.

Yeah, there ain't no way I'm going to let any crummy stuff screw me up that way. You can forget that part.

And I am sure working hard on fixing that part. Yeah, this is just not cool. I don't buy crap expect it to move around that way.

It was like the other day. Otis and I went over to the grocery store and we bought a bunch of stuff.

This was food kind of stuff. Which is really good. That kind of stuff really does make me happy.

That is providing I can you know still find the stuff when we get home. Which just didn't happen the other day.

We got home and we both put all the food away. And I know dang well there was a big package of these chocolate chip cookies in the bag.

I personally put them away myself. So I'm know it was there. Well later you know I went over to get them down and have a few and the package was gone.

I asked Otis about it and he just said, "What package?" It was hard to figure out what he said for sure since his mouth was full of something at the time.

But you know he keeps telling me that he had no idea about what happen to the package. Really was weird.

In any case, I looked all over and if I ever find out where they went man that sure will make me feel better. But that is okay, I know that next time, I'll glue them to the shelf. That will take care of it.

Now all I have to do is have Otis tell me where the heck he buys that chocolate chip flavored mouth wash. The one with the crumbs in it he was using when I asked him about the missing cookies.

I wouldn't mind trying it myself.


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