Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Now this one should be easy for anyone to figure out. There are always those dang rocks that come down from space.

And who is to say those are from some alien throwing them? Ever think about that one? Well have you?

I bet you haven't. Personally, I can see where it would happen. Yeah, some wise ass turd of a galactic delinquent decides to be pissed at the world and so he picks up some rock and tosses it as us.

Hey, I saw the movie ET. The one where the short, weird looking spent all his time pointing. I bet he trying to tell us buds where to toss them stones.

Yeah, I can see where that could happen. Sort of like you know, with the idea of that other space movie, Close Encounter of the Third Kind. Or those Star Wars flicks. Why shoot they all probably have rocks in their somewhere that some jerk of an alien was planning on tossing.

Pretty disgusting if you ask me. Yep, I could appreciate how that would happen. I didnt say I liked it. Only that is does happen.

And frankly, I think we better give this some thought. I saw that one movie called Armpitgetsome or something like that.

Anyway it had this really big rock coming at the planet. And man let me tell you that was not cool. I hate to think how strong the alien was who tossed that one.

Why imagine if that thing fell on your head, it would have been terrible. I bet it would smart big time.

I think we need to be sure we don't let these guys get away with this. It sure ain't a good thing.

So for starters I think everyone ought to be given a nice big suit of armor. Just to be sure we don't get hurt if them alien toss some big rocks on us.

And then I think we ought to be sure we don't let them think we are push overs. You know the type so they know they can't do that kind of stuff to and get away with it.

I recommend we sent some missiles out there just to be safe. You know blow up some stuff in space just to give them the hint that this is not a good thing to mess with us.

Might seem very drastic, but do we really want to risk otherwise? I don't think so. I think we need to avoid that kind of problem.

But then that is me.


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