Thursday, December 13, 2007


Now my big question with this is what time will this happen? I think it is a fair question. Only it never is quite the way it works in terms of getting a decent answer.

Yeah, I hear this mainly in movies and you know there as some times when some really slick dude says it. Then you like wonder why another time isn't more specific?

Like it is some secret to be saved for later. Yep, I do have so much of a reason to wonder about that deal.

See, most of the time the one saying that is like a real smart dude. And very sneaky too. So you know that when they say that it means they got something bad planned.

Only being smart dudes they won't tell you when. Just this another time crap. Which really bugs me.

Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter that much. Because you know with those sneaky rats they never play fair.

Yeah, you just can figure that will come out that way. So you just know you have to do what is called watching your back.

I got to admit that I have tried it and it never works for me. Oh I can see it in a mirror, but never that good.

Really not sure what to watch for either. Unless it is the chance those jerks managed to stick a sign on your back that says, kick me.

Now that would be the kind of thing I would expect them to do. Not that I want to let ti happen.

Instead I will prefer to think of something more practical. Like finding them first and beating the snot out of them.

Just not sure where to find them. And that is the part that I hate. You just never can trust them.

So you have to put that off to another time. Only you can't be sure on it either. So that sucks.

I think I will just do what I can to avoid them altogether. Which is never easy. Since they show up in so many darn movies.

I can tell you that is not a cool thing. And I'm glad that I don't have to worry about it very often. Unless I have to go to the movies. Then it is a big problems. Heck you just have to learn to carry a bat to be safe I guess.


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