Friday, December 07, 2007


I don't know, soup is okay I guess, but not my favorite thing. I didn't say that I didn't eat it just that it isn't my favorite thing.

Unless it is like where you take fudge and ice cream and make a real messy kind of soupy thing. Now that is really tasty.

But not sure that applies to stuff like onion soup. I got to admit that it is hard for me to figure why you would even want to put a big onion is some water anyway.

I bet it takes forever for it to get soft. Which is why I wonder how come they don't use like onion rings in soup.

Sure would make more sense to me. But then for me I would just prefer to have the onion rings by themselves.

You could keep the soup for somebody else. That sounds like a good idea from my point of view.

Now I will admit that I don't mind onions. Even pretty good on say hamburgers or as a dip, but just not the same to me if they are in some pot.

I guess I worry about whoever fixed the soup with the onions in it was maybe crying. And let me tell you I sure don't want to eat somebody's tears.

No thank you on that part. I just will not think that is a cool thing. People can be so weird in that sense.

You know they would hardly boast about crying into some pot of soup. I bet they wouldn't go for the idea of telling others.

As for me, well I don't know, I think I will just make sure I don't bother with it. Even if it comes in a can.

Yeah you can't take any chances. The soup might have been messed with by somebody else.

I don't like that idea. Instead if I get in the mood, I will do what is called making it from scratch. That is the part where you get to scratch the food before you use it to be sure it is okay.

Yeah, I like that part. I sure don't want to risk messy with some stupid onion that is all yucky inside.

Just a special tip of important helpful hint to those unsure if it will be a good choice for down the road.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "How come they call them security systems if they don't make you feel secure as in never worry. They make me worry if they will keep working."


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