Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Oh man let me tell you this is a very important. A person really needs to know the times when this is a good deal.

This is extra important if the person is a dunderhead. Those are the morons who think you can do anything.

There are way too many of these jerks out there. Yep, some really amazing people. They leave me amazed they can get through the day.

Oh yeah that is a big issue to me. I really try to keep this is perspective. You just got to put with way too many who are not all there.

Now I'm all for things like confidence. But does that make sense if you don't make allowance for the times when there are just too many dang things you absolutely know for sure won't work.

Take for example if you had some poor dude in a wheelchair. Hey, I do feel sorry for him. I hope you know that.

I just mention it because of the fact that I do have to wonder would it be cool for this person to think like they were perfect? I ain't saying the guy isn't great. And I suppose you know he could be perfect in some way, just not totally perfect.

At least not as far as I could accept. So is there a problem with him being okay with not being perfect?

I think so. Shoot, you can be cool no matter who you are if you work it right. Just can be so dang upbeat you think you can fly without a plane.

Those are the kinds that sort of worry me the most. They really suck. Like that is very likely.

Then you have to sort of cope with them acting like they are better than the rest of us. Man does that bite.

I do have my own way of dealing with people who do that. Only I can always say I have the best solution.

Just sort of give it my best shot. And sometimes that works others it does not. Only you just hope if they want to bore you they do it elsewhere.

Now I'm off to deal with this one dude who has been driving me nuts. A real jerk. And yeah he thinks he is perfect.

But I get stuck dealing with him anyway. You suck up to him enough and he gives you free food. With the extra headache.


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