Thursday, December 27, 2007


This is another of those postings where I'm happy to be able to share some special wisdom with those in need.

Such is always a good thing from my view even with those that think it is otherwise. I don't feel like commenting on such people. Besides just because they say they know it all doesn't mean they do.

Anyway, back to this thing, for me the deal with castles and pawnshops is they to me are both about dreams. Yeah all them wishes you have for a good life.

Course castles are not everywhere. Well I guess some mansions could be castles to some people, but they are the same to me.

And that is what I'm getting at. I want to think in terms of real castles as dreams. Yeah, the kinds with moats and thrones. Oh and knights of course. You can't have a decent castle without a bunch of knights.

So a real cool castle it has to be real castle. Otherwise is just ain't the same. It is one of those phony, looks like it is, but not really is places.

Now with pawns shops it is for me kind of the same thing. See at pawn shops they got the real stuff at times. You know, the stuff you want in dreams and yet is hard to find.

Which is never what you hope it will be. That part is what you have to give lots and lots of thoughts too.

I am happy then when you can mosey over to some pawn shop and they got the dream equivalent of a castle there in some other form. It is like Santa stopped by.

But that isn't quite always true. Sometimes the pawn shop just isn't the place it ought to be.

Why? Well when the owner stops being a castle thinking kind of dude that happens. And let me tell you that is never good thing.

Fortunately that is never what happens all the times. So I love when i have a chance to do that.

Why? Well why not? It ain't always like you can castle options just anywhere. And that is the part that I have to think of as a good thing.

Hopefully in a way that we can all savor it when we get it home. I got to be honest there have been a few times when the castle I thought was a castle in the pawn shop turned out to be otherwise at home.

But that is the risk you take. Better than never finding the castle at all.


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