Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Boy is this a lame idea. Trying to make skates out of ice is not something I want to try. Not anytime soon.

I mean it might be okay for some, but not to me. There is just something silly to me to think you can do much skating if you have ice for wheels.

Well my idea I guess. For I really don't need to give it a try myself. I will let others do it and that's fine.

I just have trouble figuring out how this will be a good thing anyway you try it. I mean for one thing you know, there is for me the issue of how long with them suckers last?

Yeah, if you like get to go some five feet and they melt then it ain't much help. Not to me at least.

What would the fun be in that? I can imagine very much. But that is okay. And as long as somebody else thinks it is good then that is what counts.

I have no idea who that would be. Maybe somebody that loves ice. That would make sense.

Who that would be is not something I can say. Just another joy of the moment that really to be experienced.

At least that is how it appears to me. Only I don't want to be out there when these cool and I do mean cool dudes come along.

That will not be a thing I will ever chose to join. They can give me a free pair of skates and I still not going to mess with them.

But that is what I will have to work on. You know that part of going somewhere that they do this thing and check it out.

I did go by the roller skating rink. Didn't see anyone with ice on their skates though. Must be in a different place.

Oh well there are some weird people out there I reckon that will be cool for everyone. Just not ready to try and figure it out.

Now as for me, well I might try seeing if I can stick some ice cubes on my skates. Not right away.

Hope I can figure a good way to accomplish it. That is what really is going to be tough. Which is really the thing I will find in due time. Might come to find out what really sticks and what freezes your butt.


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