Saturday, December 15, 2007


I can say this is a cool thing. Well providing you are talking the kind of end that gives an ending that you like.

Otherwise that just isn't the same thing I want to know about. Endings can be cool. But if they suck, then they just aren't worth it.

Not to me at least. Oh I suppose that is cool in some places. Can always tell what gives other a reason to want the end of something.

I wish the ends I wanted to happen would be my choice. Like I would sure not mind seeing old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin, get the end of his being a jerk.

That would sure make my day. I realize that is a dream and probably not a good one to expect.

But that don't keep me from hoping. You got to have hope for something. That would really be a nice option.

I can dream at least. You have that right. It is one thing you hope won't end. Nope, dreaming is something you just love to keep have taking place.

But so far nobody has made a rule against that. As long as you don't count the Reverend Analbe. He sort of makes most things sound like they are illegal.

Outside of him, unless something happens that I'm not expecting, I don't imagine that the politicians will make that illegal. Might be kind of hard to enforce anyway.

Other than that I reckon we do have to consider the things some other people might consider as ending. Like stupidity.

That would be cool. Not sure some would even know the difference though. People can be kind of weird in that regard.

They just sort of don't seem to grasp that option in terms of hope. Guess I can sort of understand.

I mean sometimes you do seem to thrive on that kind of stuff. Not me. Well not very much.

Nope, I prefer smart to stupid. Just not that easy to find on some occasions. Which is not all bad.

Just not always what you hope for. And so I just prefer to hope it will end by some means.

Probably when they make being smart illegal. We all seem to break laws at times.


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