Thursday, December 20, 2007


Let me tell you this is a very dangerous thing. Being given stuff is good, but you do have to be careful what you are being given.

I mean if you are talking about being beaten senseless, that ain't a good thing. If yo are talking about somebody handing you a bag of cash, then it something different.

Personally, I don't mind giving when it involves the things I like to give. But not when somebody wants me to give them what I don't want to give up.

Take the government. Now they get to take from me out of my paycheck and I don't even get to vote on it.

Nope that sucks. I would not think it is cool regardless of what happens. I would to like to vote on it if I could.

Only they have that give it to me option where I don't get to ask. And if you don't cooperate it is like, well they can park a tank on your chest and really make your miserable.

Now what is really silly is where they don't even ask your opinion. They just do what they want with the money.

At least if my bucks are going to be use it might be nice to have them send me a postcard showing me how it was use. Just a single picture would be cool.

Yep, that would really make me happy. You know like send me the picture of some submarine or plane and circle the part where I was paying for it. Even if it was only some wing.

That ain't going to happen I imagine. They are going to do that much either. I can imagine I would get stuck paying for bill of postage too.

Maybe if they would you know take time to just put in on television, that would be enough. And why not?

They put all other kinds of crap on there, so why not that? Might be cool to see them say, okay buddy you paid for this.

Providing you know it wasn't something stupid. I wouldn't get jazzed paying for some toilet.

Especially if they told me I had to come over and clean it. That would be my luck. Which goes back to the issue of making sure I don't get a vote on this. Seems like something they could work on. Just not sure how to make it happen. Maybe a letter would do? But then I would imagine they would charge me for reading it too.


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