Monday, December 31, 2007


Well let me tell you there is really a plus to talk about somebody who is there instead of somebody who isn't. Yeah, ones that don't exist are not much help.

And if they aren't there it is hard to be sure you can know what they are doing. Really is so unlikely they will make a difference.

But I guess you can't forget about them. Because they are people. Well according to some at least.

I have to wonder about it though. I mean it is good when you can see somebody. And kind of tough when you have to talk about somebody based on what somebody else says is real.

Only you can see them. So you have to take somebody else's word that the person is real. That ain't always cool.

Not to me at least. Nope, you can be sure I don't plan on making it work for me. But I do like my buds, so I try to be kind about their friends I can't always see.

I only wish they didn't always talk about these friends like you should enjoy them too. That would be so cool if they were real enough for me to know as a bud.

However, it don't happen that way. All I get is to hear about them after the fact. With the fact being they never show up, ever.

Which is down right annoying for me when I'm trying to find out if these dudes are in anyway helpful. That can be really hard to know for sure.

I mean suppose you are going to have a baseball game? Kind of hard to expect dudes that aren't there to really help out.

Yep, you can be sure they won't hit the ball much. But they then can't strike out either. So I guess that is a good part.

But in any case, I can be so happy when I have a chance to not let these people who are there get in the way of those who are. That ain't cool

It is like when they call on the phone. Well sort of call on the phone. I mean my buddy talks to them on a phone.

Only he uses a phone that isn't there either. Which kind of makes sense given the fact that the person isn't either.

Sort of works out for the best. At least for them. For me I am just left totally confused. Which is not a good think.


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