Saturday, October 31, 2009



In a perfect word

there’d be more love than hate,

more sex than pain

sunrise that you met with dreams

where hands could built them as truths

and lips spilled honesty

we could climb the clouds

wear stars as gemstones in hope,

use words to invite

instead of slay,

spend time creating

rather than destroying.


Wind would have wings

ever lifting to take a soar

where we would see ourselves and others

for the precious gift that God intended.


But this is from the heart’s womb of fantasy,

the pristine portrait of flawless vision.

It is the well from heaven’s essence

we drink without being aware

how its flavor comes from eternity

where perfect always exists.


And every image we cultivate

of that utopia we crave

truly comes from divine whispers,

meant to remind and inspire

though spiritual kisses upon our soul,


That we would know and cherish

the chance to craft what we see

into beauty or trash,

while remembering immortality

is where those of faith

will ever see a unblemished realm

forever called as home.

Friday, October 30, 2009

At Bat

Nobody said there were holes

between my heart and home plate

a place dark and eerie

where ghosts

be you with an invisible bat.


I killed them

by throwing away my hardball

then pulled my cap

over my eyes

fell into a chasm

filled with home run dreams.


That was when

a man ran over my mind

on his way to play catch

with a softball.


He never saw any places

to plummet

because he play alone,

but then the visions,

which gave playing

its power,

always eluded his mitt.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Where Is The End

Where is they end

of my hands and heart?

The place the circle of life

does ring around both earth and cosmos

to bind me by sense

through the arrays of light

unto the connection,

which unites mortal and creation,

stars and spirit.


Oh wheel that spins in the mind

like a spiral ascending towards space,

where eyes see the face of the universe

in every sight and sound

that dwells within the world.


To peer into the living canvas

is to look beneath each veil

able to discover the twinkle it holds,

each flare of iridescence,

until one can embrace

all that reflects

its part of the harmony

between this mortal coil

and where the constellations

shine their shimmering elegance

as crystals in an ebony sea. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Breath Of Eden

Dawn blows bliss before my soul

as the sunlight’s honey

spreads its coat of serenity.


Each hue of life

becomes ablaze

while I inhale

the sweet scents of lavender

and honeysuckle

with the soothing sounds

from a waterfall’s cascading serenade

beneath at tranquil turquoise sky.


It all is the breath of Eden

when I’m in the garden

of my love’s arms,

the most perfect heaven

that I could ever want.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Night Poses

In the darkness sobs are swallowed,

the phone offers no mercy

not a single ring to free the heart

from the smothering shades in melancholy.


Nakedness is the filet upon the soul

for there is no raiment to cover the tears,

no voice to dress with love

just the crippling hollowness inside

where death is the whisper

a murmur that calls in echoes

out of the mind’s crypt

as muffled screams plea for help.


Painted ashen figures

are conjured in a haze

between light and blackness,

they roam through the canvas

of the cavern imprisoning sanity.


The clock drones mortality,

walls spread over the door

until there is no escape.


Will the sunlight guide to a release

that will sever the claw,

which ever draw one back

into the hellish cell?


Answer lie in lips unseen

envisioned in the head,

if only the would stop being invisible

then the bed wouldn’t be filled with ice.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Promises are the vows of dawns

rising in the soul,

flaring with rays of hope

creating pedestals of pearly purity

upon which the heart can stand.


Each beam of longing so inflamed

becomes a warmth and light

guiding along the cobblestone paths of life's search,

where we pause to embrace

what truly revives

when the shadows of tears drench our vision.


Sometimes accepting the words of charity

from another's lips,

having a glint of security that dazzles.


But they oft turn to glitz and tinsel,

if made only of fleeting form

which easily melt

at the moment your need them most.


How precious are those gems of rarest love

possessing a gold beneath the shine

turning to a treasure beyond being a vain glimmer

till trust is born from the gaze

and we learn to smile without fear

seeing futures rich in fertile potential,

instead of deserts, bleak and barren.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Melodious Morning

Sunrise’s amber

hums in serenity,

air blows the soothing

flower scents as song,

heart forms strings

from the senses,

as morning becomes

a composition

its music sung

all day long.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


In the deepest space

with a mind

is a constellation,

creativity’s stunning stars

unique unto that life.


They wait a probe

from encouragement’s voyager

who turns darkness

into something stellar.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Pure Potential

Who makes the manufacturer labels

for washing machines

that limits the load to a given size?

They declare it like some law

on how many clothes

can be washed at one time.


But I refuse to submit

unto to such tyranny,

as long as I can close the lid

then I haven’t exceeded

its pure potential.


I have learn to challenge the system

not accept their laundry limitations.

And I don’t care what the repairmen say,

the problems is with the machine,

just poor quality to be sure,

all I need is one,

which will stop breaking down

because its too wimpy

about doing a decent size load.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


All the words dipped in eloquence,

ever tone of optimism

that trips of the tongue in honeyed sayings

is no substitute for a single second

when the skin discovers

the difference between

believe and experience.


It was a lesson that grade school teacher

learned in such vivid clarity

when telling her students

how the unheated swimming pool

in the middle of December

wouldn’t really be that cold

as long as you though heat,

kept repeating it constantly,

thought image of suns and summer

until you could slip into that water

and think it was practically boiling.


But kids wouldn’t accept it as gospel

unless she took the first dip,

her face and voice in its screaming song

quickly undoing her mentor’s instruction!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Paradise Pains

My non-stop flight

towards an utopian slavery,

crashed into a legislative wall

that was called freedom

by the political seers

wearing blindfolds.


Who taxed me until broke

for their war on poverty.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

No Regrets

Oh my baby is such a find and I love her so,

just wish I’d take the time to fine out her credit rating was OMG-666,

but I’m not letting those little details keep us from being happy.


So what is the sold my car, furniture and house

in order to pay for an abortion and drug rehab,

it was an alien’s baby so we al can make mistakes.


And what if she did come to my work

threaten my boss with a butcher knife

because he saw her picture on my desk

then claimed she was this psycho witch

who went berserk at a friend’s bachelor party

before cops took her to mental ward

for claiming to be the reincarnation for Joan of Arc,

we’re doing well in this cardboard box,

plus she’s such a pro at knowing what dumpsters have most edible garbage.


Yep, might have learned it at that credit report place,

only won’t matter since she claims an race of Bigfoot

will take over the world next month

after all she is a psychic and can see the future,

which is why she’s selling my kidney before it goes bad as she foreseen.

Monday, October 19, 2009


My cape fell off

at the library,

super powers

were vaporized

by my teachers.


But nobody

keeps me from flying

nor sees the bird

in my head,


because I’ll never loose

the wings

they tried to clip

with the scissors

that already

cut out their hearts

like cookie cutters

of clouds,

which they are afraid

to reach.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Oh for a chalice in a drought

to give ornate intent to my suffering,

then too a label on vintage nectar

so I can feel the flush of privilege

it all is but a diversion

a way to add illusion

over the deeper reality.


With eyes I drink the day,

can see in showers either as blessing

or the curse of some destruction,

but still when it comes

unto what is in a crystal glass

most will let lips debate

the meaning of its contents

every dried up inside

over the miniscule meanderings.


Meanwhile I just consume the contents,

while all of them are left

every thirsty and thinking

as I head off to the drinking fountain

because sipping is the act,

which separates

those who won’t and can’t

from those who do.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

My Heart’s Rhapsody

Our love shall undress this afternoon,

shut out the world,

weeds from so much pain and sorrow

finally removed from within.


Oh with her I have found a spring

when winter was all I had known

the endless enchanted season

far from the thickets and thorn moments.


Now her face, the one sent by God,

is the sun that warms my thoughts at dawn

that shimmering spell from starry reveries,

which gives my eve the stunning artistry

from the exquisite visions painted on rapture’s canvas.


For a fire so burns an inferno inside of me,

how it ignites what was cold and lifeless,

still walking with those twitches of disbelief

over the miracle that I have known

in the arms of this one I so adore.


The quiet stirs the whisper of wisps

who sing their ghosts into my soul,

for I want to dream

a feather’s flight for my heart.


Of beauty’s bliss before me comes

the edifice of euphoria in stately charms,

no tears shed to this sudden shift

from stress soaked days

under a cruel, leaden sky of melancholy’s steel.


Oh my aches with throbbing agony

each time we are apart,

I would walk over any danger

risk any threat

endure pain until my lungs burst

from the cries of suffering

for just one moment with her.


And when the sun fades into darkness

once warmth flees from my body

thoughts of her become

the fire in my night.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Flowers From The Heart

She is the rose of my soul

who leaves her love’s petals in my dreams,

a scent of her bouquet

lingers always in my thoughts

because of the garden

that she has sewn in my heart.


Each day adding a new seed

from her lips, so caring and thoughtful,

when she plants kisses and words

that blossom so abundantly

as the flowers that give me life.


How her touch so gently tils in my soil

until it is rich in an incredible joy,

weeds from so much pain and sorrow

finally removed from within,

at last knowing in her caress

the beauty of our bounty

of becoming one bed in floral ecstasy.


For she is that exquisite array,

which in wraps around me as intimacy’s vines.

Oh with her I have found a spring

when winter was all I had known,

the endless enchanted season

where we entwine each night,

far from the thickets and thorn moments,

happily reaping all the bliss

brought to my suffering

because she spread compassion’s grass

over the desolation of my barren being.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Final Exams

The high school building was always spooky 

even during the middle of the day,

those long dark corridors with blue linoleum floors,

plus thee only light from those frosted windows at the end

where the face the outside,

just screamed the something sinister dwelled within.


Even the classroom doors on each level

had the same type of glass

it too added to the sense or eerie atmosphere

that made taking classes so distracting,

especially when remembering those legends of ghosts teachers,

that were hideous and horrifying image

who stalked the halls after sundown

ready to give student their own macabre final exams.


How the kids would grow so sick at their stomachs

when that chill came over their bones

anytime a strange ghastly silhouette

appeared for a blink on the door glass before it vanished.


But it was just treated as imagination,

those claims that an evil portal was in the basement

treated as a myth,

some silly superstition that could never be true.


When Troy opened those front doors

so he and his three friends to prove the scary tales where lies

late one Monday night in October

its hinges creaked in tingling tones,

still they refused to let that noise

keep them from going inside.


Had been a six months since the mentor from hell,

an old dried up crone called, Ms. Mapes, died and was buried.


Her pasty, wrinkled, pudgy face,

short bent, full figured form,

eyes that some swore had black pupils

and crooked fingers with long yellow nails

didn’t give her the appearance of kindness,

but it was her voice that grated on the nerves,

every way she seem to want to devour people,

which made her seem like a pure malovelence.


They crept down the halls,

did their best to ignore,

sounds of moans and cries of, ‘oh god no,”

trash cans being knocked over

even though nobody else was in the building.


Wasn’t until they came to the third floor

their gaze fell upon the presence of Ms. Mape’s rotting corpse.


When she raised a hand and pointed at them,

quickly, with hearts pounding they yelled

before trying to escape,

but it did not good

for she real was an educator demon spawn,

possessed of a power to drag them into her old room.


Inside her ghoul appetite feasted

happily eating another organ

as the failed to answer her test question

in a frightening voice.


By morning only bits of their bodies were left,

on the chalkboard Ms. Mape’s name

was written in their blood

sickeningly carrying a stench of decaying flesh.


Though the room was never used again

paint tried to cover over that name,

each night it comes back.


Nobody cares to explain

occasions when some students

vanish after failing some final exam,

next morn his or her mutilated remains

always found in her classroom.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Snow Globes


She held winter in her hands

the chalet amid the drifting flakes,

a place built in her heart

visited in dreams

though dwelling on a mountain

only seen in postcards

from her wheelchair,


Now she places it on the shelf

her visions to touch that life

more healing to the body

that doctors said

would never walk again.


But standing on wobbly legs

and reaching for that airline ticket

tears stream her swelling joy,

impossible was just a word

after all.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Sweet Rapture

Of beauty’s bliss before me comes

the edifice of euphoria in stately charms,

my heart batches in the soothing scenic serenity,

no tears shed to this sudden shift

from stress soaked days

under a cruel, leaden sky of melancholy’s steel,

ever the captive unto the pall of poignant princes

who are soul thieves and vile tyrants of injustice.


But now I have my reprieve

finally to know the gentle off fate’s mercy

where none of evil hands can violate

that precious peace’s sanctity.


What tranquil touches will be mine

once I embrace the majesty of this blessing

and savor the deliverance for my spirit

out of the dark abyss in despair,

a sad crafted clone from profit’s press,

trapped in suffering’s vice grip

barely a life with any identity.


Liberty at last shall be mine

for two weeks a year

at this time share oasis,

far from that pain and sorrow.


So paradise comes without water or electricity,

not any heat or the slightest

comfort convenience at all,

it still is worth the price I paid

by selling a kidney

because the toilet has a drain

with a bull’s eye on the executive’s chalet

way below in the valley

and I get to dump on them every day

just like they do to me.

Monday, October 12, 2009


stakes born in the eyes

like white hot iron

driven through the heart

of what is fear


years treated as unholy

where one slept in darkness

a crypt filled with vipers

from the reptile tongues

who spit their venom

into one’s mind


after the sundown

where they buried your life

awakes the angel


to walk among the graveyards

they created with lies


finding out

sacred is often

what some see as demons



Sunday, October 11, 2009


Thuds in the thistles,

leaves bend without a wind,

shades holds the breath of monsters,

steps follow their footprints.


Heart pounding so hard on the stones,

can’t cease the blurs

from the corner of the eye.


Pocket holds a lollipop,

will it be a sword

to keep that beast away?


Maybe feet of wishes

can outrun it’s teeth,

sure wish big brother

hadn’t run so fast ahead

because he’d be more tasty

like all boys would be.


Glimpse of tent at campsite

only thing that fights the tears,

plus a chance to tell mom

how a sibling’s tales

of man eating creatures

made the trees so scary,

a little hot chocolate

while seeing him yelled at

will be the best story of them all.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


In the middle of drifting,

ever floating along the sea

where our lives our sailboats

and somebody else is the pilot

our minds look at the islands

of where we long to dwell

then hold on the image

make it our dream,

to find the peace it promises

along with a love

who can share that paradise.


Though shipwrecked or blown off course,

still that picture remains hung in the heart

even when pirates steal one’s sails.


It might take a lifetime to find

or merely stay a postcard in the head,

but when the eyes are closed

feet can walk that long exotic shore

while the body must dwell

among some concrete forest.


For those isles we create

keep us beachcombers of fantasies

no matter where our desires

are landlocked.


As long as we can touch

that sand in our thoughts

then footprints will walk

in serene and wishful steps

far from that realm,

which holds us hostage

by survival’s chains.

Friday, October 09, 2009

I Believe!

Oh dear Lord have mercy on me

for this dreaded act of pride,

thinking I was so important

and you were just some myth

always daring to say how I would believe

if you once just did what I wanted.


Now for my vanity I confess

that last wise crack comment I made

unto that preacher was really dumb,

there I stood and said how I would take you serious

the moment you truly did some

like and Old Testament power deal.


That Pastor warned me about putting you in a box

so I said if you didn’t like it

the prove it by doing the same to me!


Let me tell you that waking up like this

sure made me a change in my view

now please forgive me and give me another chance

because I heard my wife talk about

this old frame was only good as firewood.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

I Love You Jeannie Craig

Heart pounds

from Cupid’s invitation echoes

by that sexy voice

in the dark bar corner.


Fear flames

when she comes into the light

with butcher knife

and cannibal’s eyes.



Wednesday, October 07, 2009

I Love You Jeannie Craig

I feel so young and full of energy

my lion form doing great

since I tried that new diet,

tried Nutri-Systems and Weight Watchers,

just never felt the meals were

quite as satisfying for filling.


But with Jeannie Craig

how I’m now so happy

with this new version of something tasty,

doesn’t feel low calorie at all.


So hope someone will ask

for my endorsement

because tourist on her program

that end up in my stomach

have not left me

in need of in between meal snacks.


Except when they try to escape

and I have to chase them down

then I have to have seconds,

but am trying to cut back

to only three visitors a week.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The World According To Jim

Vending machines all have secret cameras

to see who buys the candy

that has been laced with special drugs

so the hidden powers that be

can work the control  over everyone.


The meter reader who checks the electric

also implants bugs in your house,

they are so powerful and sensitive,

a product of alien technology

used by agencies we don’t know about,

which all them to actually read one’s thoughts.


Somewhere in a deep hidden chamber

are they able to watch everything one does

and should you show the slightest hint

of detecting any surveillance

then you’ll have a fatal heart attack

or perhaps die in car crash.


Unless they think you know something important

at which point they simple abduct you,

never to be heard of again.



What we see is just convenience

ever cloaking so many unseen ways

those who really run the world

are working to keep us all ignorant

while they build their special chambers

in order that they can survive

when we run out of energy,

slowly dying off

amid the collapse of sanity.


These were paranoia gems of Jim’s mind,

he told us about them at work

on every single day.


One day he just never came back

was treated as job abandonment,

sometimes we still wonder

could it be he was right?

Monday, October 05, 2009

Messages In Mortar

I am the implement of the architect’s vision

who gives shape to what he designs,

all those reveries of edifice ecstasy,

which I permanently mortar

by this solidified tapestry of his inspiration.


My hands are extensions of his will,

inside I feel the flow of his pride

thou I be, but a servant to his brilliance,

how it gives me joy

to help bring form to his creativity.


With these fingers I have toiled

unto all the labor set before me,

my back bearing the consequence

from this calling,

yet when I’m done

such happiness abounds

from this construction artistry.


And perhaps it will help

take my mind off tonight

when that old lady

will be sitting front row

at the strip club I work

for she’s been getting

a bit too ambitious

when shoving that dollar in my thong,


Alas there is no relief for this workingman,

seems I’m always getting the same choice,

because either here or at night

it always involves some kind lay,

with these bricks

or in some drunk lady’s dreams.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Twists Of The Heart

His tongue was a knot,

a mass of choked and garble words,

never could he speak

the depths inside

without it being a string

of mangle messages

barely able to voice an audible syllable

that someone didn’t mock.


Before her patient and compassionate ears,

her heart loving untangled

what his voice could say

in his awkward stammered sayings.


A smile spread over her face

as she took his hand

then gave him a kiss,

it was her yes

unto to his anxious and fearful,

wi-wi-will  yo-yo-you

mar-mar-marry me?

Saturday, October 03, 2009


Exposed voluptuous skin

awaits lips to taste that heaven,

so soft and seductive is that flesh,

passion puckers for the flavor,

body grows tight in anticipation,

hands caress each layer of pleasure.


What surrender in silence inspires fire,

heart pounds in such ecstasy for more,

soon that treasure will writhe the moment

because there is no more throbbing thrill

than the first bite of a juicy mango.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Miracle Mounds Upon The Sand

What miracle was heaven born

that could in some lump

preserve and thrive

a living ship upon the sand

where that mound stores

the means to survive

all those strolls through endless dunes.


Of heat and scorching suns

how this dromedary with hump help

can live for up to fifty years.


But does man see the miracle

within this creature’s extra depository

on his back that was intended?

Do we find it a subtle message

about how nature finds a way

to do the impossible?


True to mortal behavior

what did the inspiration produce

just the idea that this might be

the perfect place

for storing his cigarettes.