Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The World According To Jim

Vending machines all have secret cameras

to see who buys the candy

that has been laced with special drugs

so the hidden powers that be

can work the control  over everyone.


The meter reader who checks the electric

also implants bugs in your house,

they are so powerful and sensitive,

a product of alien technology

used by agencies we don’t know about,

which all them to actually read one’s thoughts.


Somewhere in a deep hidden chamber

are they able to watch everything one does

and should you show the slightest hint

of detecting any surveillance

then you’ll have a fatal heart attack

or perhaps die in car crash.


Unless they think you know something important

at which point they simple abduct you,

never to be heard of again.



What we see is just convenience

ever cloaking so many unseen ways

those who really run the world

are working to keep us all ignorant

while they build their special chambers

in order that they can survive

when we run out of energy,

slowly dying off

amid the collapse of sanity.


These were paranoia gems of Jim’s mind,

he told us about them at work

on every single day.


One day he just never came back

was treated as job abandonment,

sometimes we still wonder

could it be he was right?


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