Wednesday, April 01, 2009


Yeah this is supposed to be important junk. Only I ain’t quite sure if it is a good or bad part.

I mean really you do have to give it some thought. That is what Otis calls it when stuff don’t make sense.

He is funny that way. Always is saying weird junk like that. And let me tell you that sure isn’t always cool.

Yeah you get some really odd dudes out there. They got some amazing ideas about good junk.

And you can be sure it ain’t my idea of fun. Nope I don’t think of some old crap you can’t use as a good deal.

Which is why I don’t get that part. I mean they will take some old rusty can or whatever and call it an antique.

Which you got to wonder about. I know I sure do. Just don’t get why some name being added to an old thing makes it better.

Now I personally prefer junk that makes sense. Yeah, I don’t care that is it old. I do care that it don’t work.

Now that is where I am working on making this better. Yeah I’m going to make them fix this whole deal.

I don’t want some overpriced crap that is old and crummy. I want it to make sense. Now that is what counts.

Yep, just had me junk that you can depend upon to do more than just sit there. Make it do junk that ain’t junk.

Then you can do all you want to make it work better. And I will be happy to just hold onto it.

Providing it don’t need batteries. Because one thing you can count on is that old batteries don’t ever work.

Yeah that is one thing I do wonder about. You know it should be a good deal. And then we can all be happy.

Providing nobody gets weird. I don’t need any talk rusty buckets. They don’t work for me.

And you can be sure they won’t either.


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