Monday, March 23, 2009


I think together really is good when you can it by yourself. Yeah that really is a good option.

Only too many just make a big deal that together means you have to do it with somebody else. What a stupid idea.

I mean really you know I have to question that part. I just think it is okay to have buds, but they can still be buds when they are not there.

This together stuff really bugs me. I don’t care how much they are a pal, no way I want them in my stall when I’m using the bathroom.

See that is all part of the silliness. Just got too many weird types out there who are so crazy on this subject.

Like over at STINK the other day. Somebody decided it was a good idea if we like did an outing together.

Now that would have been okay if it meant something cool. But see they didn’t ask us where to go.

Somebody else figured that part out. And sure didn’t do a good job of it if you ask me, which they didn’t.

Now don’t get me wrong you know. Parks are a good thing. Well can be at least. So I didn’t mind that choice.

Only problem is that you know I didn’t see this deal where they voted on what we did there. And that was not cool.

Now I don’t know I guess picking up litter is okay. And having more than one to do it is also good.

And maybe it was cool too that they wanted us to do it together. Kept calling us a team, which is okay.

I think of teams as something to do with sports. So you know I kind of was looking for the game part.

Didn’t end up that way. Got into lots of arguments on the trash. And that didn’t make it fun at all.

So you know it was one case I think we would have been better if we did it all alone. Then we would have all won.

At least could have claimed it.


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