Monday, March 16, 2009


This is the absolute pits. Those times somebody tells you sure as in I will do that then they don’t.

Really does bug me. They can’t say no right off. They have to give you hope. Then whammo they go to lunch.

And like I need that? Yeah not on my list of choices. Maybe it is better than say being run over by a truck, but not going to say for sure.

In any case I sure don’t enjoy when this happens. Just not on my list of things I want to have in my life.

So I’m working on ways to improve this. I’m sure there must be a few. And I think I will just keep on looking.

Yeah, there are not some cool places where you want to hear sure when it ain’t. Just prefer too bad.

At least that makes you grumpy. And you can get over it right away. No having to wait to get pissed off later.

Just not sure I want to hear anymore of this confidence stuff where they really ain’t offering confidence. No thanks.

You know I wish that I could blame old rat boy, Junior for this one. But I can’t since in this case it wasn’t his fault.

Only in this case this came from the boys in STINK’s lab. Them guys sure do drive me nuts at times

Really see they give us this new stuff to try out and half the time it doesn’t work. So you end up pissed.

And when you ask them if it is okay, they always say sure. But it never is. And no matter how many times they just keep messing up.

But they never call it messing up. Nope it was a miscalculation. That hardly makes it all better.

Downright sucks at times. Course they always have some excuse. Put it in a nice report. Like that helps.

Still sucks. And then the next time they don’t even remember the last time. Yeah that really is a plus.

Well to them at least.


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