Saturday, March 07, 2009



People who say this are big fibbers. They never mean take your time. Oh they claim it, but don’t mean it.

Yeah you got to hate that part. Them jerks always tell you waiting ain’t no big deal and then freaking out later.

Really is such a pain. I mean you sit there thinking all is cool and it ain’t. Not in anyway.

Just really bugs me. And that is the part I would fix if I could. But can’t. Because it just doesn’t work.

And that you can be sure really will not be a good deal. This happens over at STINK a lot thanks to Junior.

I think it is all the cheese he eats. Makes him think weird. And you can be sure that won’t work for me.

But how do you get him to stop? I got my solution, but Otis says no. And that really bugs me too.

Now that is what I am working on. I figure I will try to sucker him with some free cheese.

Then he don’t have to get so dang weird on this time deal. I mean he tells us to take our time doing the work.

Then the next thing I know he is paging us asking where we are. And even if we are there where should be he complains.

And does he listen? Heck now that would be terrible. That would make sense. I can hear him munching on cheese.

Now the fun part is when we are goofing off. Then it gets really tricky. Yeah because Otis sort of freaks.

I mean it is tough to try and tell Junior and some story when Otis is looking cross eyed. Really ain’t fun.

Oh well I sure do try and not go crazy. I wish I could avoid it. But sure ain’t easy at times.

Am getting better I think. And that will be cool. And the fun starts when it all makes sense.

Well that is what I say.


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