Monday, March 02, 2009


This is super good. Not just a very, but very heaven. Er, I guess there is such a thing, well sounds good.

Now what you have to do is find this stuff. Really can be hard. I mean just can be so frustrating.

Now this is the deal I wish was easier. I mean really gets so dang hard to find this at times.

I suppose it would be so nice to make this like something you could get in a store. That would be fun.

So far don’t find a place that sells it and lets you know it is there. Yeah, that is the one thing I wish was explained better.

In any case I am ready to find this if I can. Yeah, now that s the thing I sure will be very important.

And so I am going to try and approach this what they call scientifically. Yeah that is an important word.

Now the big thing is knowing what a very, very really is. Kind of important to be sure you can do that.

So I have given this a lot of thought. And very stuff normally is something you find in stores.

So naturally that is where you start. But then you know it ain’t going to be any old store. Some are boring.

Don’t think there are any verys at say the hardware store. Got lots of cool stuff, but no verys.

And I don’t bother with those places. Gas stations don’t have any verys either. Not that I can tell.

About the best place I can imagine is over at the grocery store. Lots of good junk there. And the sugar ones are already a very.

So you just need to fix them up a little. Now that ain’t hard. Takes a little added stuff to make it work.

Fudge sauce helps. And ice cream too. Yep, really love when that works. And even more so when Otis pays for it.

Yeah that is so much very, very. Enough for me.


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