Sunday, February 22, 2009


Yep, take is a good thing. Love the idea. Just need all those times when you get this chance.

Now that is hard. Yeah you can’t always talk about the times when somebody else is the one doing the taking.

Now hopefully they don’t like take your stuff. Yeah, that you can be sure of. And that will not be cool.

But this is the part I am not going to like enjoy. I want the taking to be real. I want to go and find stuff and know I can have it.

Which kind of gets confusing after a while. I will never say it is not the good times when you can take it.

Hope this will be like something you can find easy. Not something you have to ask about.

Now the thing is I would like a map. Yeah some place that tells me all the take it places I can find.

Hope it would be so easy to just mosey around and pick up junk. And hope them maps are free too.

I mean if you have to pay for them that sucks. I mean sort of takes away from the whole process.

Yeah that would not be cool. And that would not be the reason I would want to vote for it.

Now the thing is I want this whole deal to move along in a good way. I want to take time to be clear on this.

Yeah let’s have all those take places listed so I can find them. No secrets or other stuff that aint true.

But then you never know when take might give you the map as a take. Yeah that would be cool.

Now what I want to do is find a place I can do this for the good times. To be able to take what I need.

In any case then I will take the time to keep on checking for the places like this. Yeah that is what counts.
And the take is good too.


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