Thursday, February 19, 2009


I don’t like hearing this. It means somebody heard something that you didn’t. Like they got more friends.

And that is like them bragging about it. Which really is so darn annoying. I know they got friends.

But don’t shove it in my face. And then act like they know all kinds of junk nobody else knows.

Now if they would just say like, hey, you want to know something, it would be cool. I would love that. They never do that.

They think that it is so cool. And it drives me nuts. But let me tell you that it ain’t. Not to me.

But you know I am trying to fix that. I am always like checking on ways to learn new junk. Yeah need that.

Oh I got lots of options though. Yeah, I so like to check out the news and look on the movies.

Then there are the radio talk shows. Always lots of cool things there. Plus the internet. Really great stuff there too.

But you know with the internet kind of hard to always get to all the place they talk about. Some aren’t nearby.

Which is where you need to have access too books. And that means places like the library.

Course you know they are so frustrating to deal with at times. Got this thing call the Doo-he dec-i-maul system.

So I reckon that is about dudes and not ladies. So something use guys have to use. And that is okay I reckon.

Why ladies don’t have to use it I can’t say. It does seem like most of the ladies are librarians.

So perhaps they get a break on that part. That is okay too I suppose. Only I would like a little easy way of thinking about junk.

They put all that junk on cards. And then you got to look all over the place for the books. If they aren’t checked out.
Oh well that is the what you live with I guess. Knowledge can be such hard work.


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