Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Now the way I see it packing is a good thing. During those times when you can sit back and smile.

That is how Otis describes it. I’m not so sure it works that way. Oh we do pack lots of stuff away.

More my stuff it seems. But you know I hate to get rid of junk that I may have to use some day.

Otis don’t see to always appreciate that part. I mean some stuff really can surprise you in terms of what you can do with it later.

Now like socks. Otis likes to get rid of the old ones. And if you happen to lose one even more so.

But the one missing one could show up. Yeah that could happen. Now maybe not when you expect it.

But eventually. I really am a believer in that kind of thing. This idea of eventually really is cool.

I mean it is kind of like hope. Like maybe that sock went on vacation. Got bored and needed a break.

Then comes back later. Well you can’t say it won’t happen. I know it hasn’t happen yet. But there might be a first time.

Yep you can never say for sure. So better to not be so much in a rush to get rid of that one sock.

However Otis just wants to get new ones. So he says good bye to the old ones and then starts to toss them away.

But see I go and rescue them. Got a whole bunch of them in boxes. And when the time comes that we can find the others boy will Otis be surprised.

True it has been several years. And sure wish that would happen. But maybe one of these days.

Yeah Otis says that a lot. Guess it would be cool if those these days really happened. So far not though.

Well when they do I am ready. Oh yeah that will be so cool. Not sure when though. Really can’t say.

But when it does I can say I told you so just like Otis does.


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