Saturday, February 07, 2009


Yeah, come on tell me this doesn’t make sense at times. You get to say no. And do it when you want.

Just that moment of being able to say shut up in your own way. Which is nice if it is for dumb stuff.

Those happen way too often. Wish they didn’t. Somebody said that those are times when you prove you are mature.

Only I don’t think I see it that way. I suppose somebody likes it though. Being made to do crap that makes no sense.

I know I didn’t vote for that being life. Just doesn’t seem as if I would find this a fun way to cope with life.

And if being mature means being made to look like some moron where is the good in that? Not from my view.

I’m just not sure why this is something you get to deal with so often. I mean you know you can’t enjoy it when you want.

Well not that I see it. I sure would rather be a kid that put up with some of that darn stuff. And that really bugs me.

I mean mature is cool. Gets you into places easy enough. But come on this is like you know plain silly.

And silly can be nice too. When you are ready to celebrate stuff like going place where kids can’t do stuff.

You know like on rides at the amusement park where you need to be a certain height to go on the ride. Then being an adult is cool.

And shoot you can wear stupid hats and it don’t matter. Plus if you do stupid stuff nobody cares.

Because they are doing them too. Only that is not a fun thing if they are like weird. Yeah, really sucks.

Personally I love when you can be yourself. And if somebody tries to stick you with a rule you don’t like you can refuse it.

Except you know if it is the one about wearing a seat belt on some dangerous ride. Then it is best to do it.

Refusing and head bruising ain’t too good together.


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