Sunday, February 01, 2009


Now this ain’t hard to figure out from my way of looking at it. This is when you got all of something.

Hopefully in a good way. Yeah, no fun when it sucks. And I sure don’t need that from anybody.

But some seem to think it is a good deal. They just want to dump their crap on your head. And who needs that.

Now as a garbage man super hero I see enough crap in life. Hard ot avoid it when you spend so much time you know messing with trash cans.

So the last thing I need is more garbage to deal with. And you can be sure I don’t go looking for extra either.

But then you know some people just can’t stop sharing. Yeah, they just have this need to dump their crap on you.

Now I sure don’t enjoy when that happens. But I guess they can’t help themselves. Nope not at all.

Well I guess it sounds good to say. Not sure it is really true. But don’t like to you know make a fuss either.

So what I do if this becomes to big a deal with some is to like reason with them. Try to make them see the light.

That is what Reverend Analbe says. With him that is most likely found at a donut shop. Well works for him I guess.

Anyway I have my own way of dealing with this. I like to let them see stars. The kind that you get when you get bashed.

And you can be sure it does shut them up. Well for a while. Just enough to stop talking. But never get better.

So you have to give some that lesson more than once. Ain’t fun, but you have to. Just glad for the times it solves the problem.

And that is really a good deal. Got to wish it happen all the time. Just can’t get all people to behave.

So then comes time to get rid of the trash. Oh yeah sure need to do that a lot. Wish it was easier.

But well that is what being a trash man is for I suppose.


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