Monday, January 26, 2009


Oh yeah this is pure super hero cool stuff. Those times you deal with some creep and can say, not this time.

You get to bring an end to their stupidity. Whatever dumb crap they are trying to pull. Yeah, that is so much fun.

But then you know we do just have to go through the pain of trying to get them to do better first. Give them a chance to improve.

Otis is so dang insistent on this part. Really bores me. Like it ever helps. Really just so dang boring.

Can’t get him to agree though. He keeps insisting they need to be given a chance to change.

Me, I figure my bat makes changes. Yep, I sure make it clear that they need change. And the bumps help.

Only Otis ain’t as ready to accept that. He wants to try and inspire them. Makes a big deal about that part.

Well I do get so happy when he says okay go and get em. Yep it is the fun part. For me it is.

Course the big chore is listening to his speeches. He’s always got to try and see if he can make them see the light.

That is what he calls it. Which is his way of getting them to admit the were wrong. Boy that sure don’t happen enough.

Now with me it is easy. Just bash them silly and worry about the talk later. Get them nice and cooperative and then no problem.

That isn’t to say they will be that way. Nope not always. Oh once and while it works. Yeah it does at times.

But then you never know for sure. Just get into those moments when it kind of gets a little vague.

Mainly you know because they like will be too fuzzy in the head to answer questions. Still they don’t do it again.

For that I am happy. Makes my job easier. Which makes the not this time all the more fun.

Yep, to me at least.


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