Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Well one thing I appreciate is that this is not the same as a donut. Them I can get excited about.

Oh not like with jelly beans, but they are nice at times. However, they problem is that donors don’t necessarily end with donuts.

Now if I had my choice it would work that way. I heard about these people call blood donors.

That sounds like something for vampires. Do they like get to accept donations? And like do they give receipts besides say bite marks?

Hope they are tax deductible. Would be kind of nice. I did hear that you know mention if this worked that way.

I did hear they give out donuts once you donate. So perhaps that is like a good options. Sounds like donuts make blood somehow.

Or maybe they have those types with garlic so them vampires don’t get to eat to much. Only I don’t get how come they are like needing donors.

Seems like they would have money. That head blood sucker lived in a castle I heard. Above some railroad I think called the Trans-ul-vania. Or something like that.

Anyway I reckon they must have had some hard times. Yeah, there isn’t much pay I suppose in biting people.

Don’t imagine you have much luck with getting people to pay them to get bitten. And then you know they do end up zombies and stuff.

So unless that is your joy I don’t figure you would want to pay a person to bite you. But hard to speak for everyone.

Now the way I see it maybe they like figured donuts would entice more people. I mean they sure can be tasty.

Not sure I want to be among the ones doing the donating. I wonder if the Reverend Analbe would?

Yeah he loves them donuts. Oh man I can imagine he would go for a deal for some free donuts.

And I know they use crosses with Vampires so I be that would fit in there somewhere. Suppose he could work out something.
What I guess he would ask God like he always does.


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