Friday, January 16, 2009


Now I sure will vote for this. Never seen it on the ballot, but sounds great to say. Yeah, love it.

But not sure the dudes who say this about stuff really know what it means. I had this one board game that said that once.

Sure had plenty of minutes go by without any thrills. Reading the instructions didn’t help much.

No thrills there. Unless you count being bored. Then yeah, it works great. Only I don’t think that worked.

At least it didn’t for me. Really just was not my idea of any kind of thrills. Course was made worse when I got confused too.

See they gave you the instructions in more than one language. So there I was reading the ones in another language and really no way happy.

Thank goodness Otis pointed that out. Then I was better about it. Yeah, really was happy that happen.

But that hardly made the game any more fun. Sure didn’t make the thrills last even a minute.

Wish it had. Oh yeah, that would be great. But then you know on most occasion sure have to work to find any thrills.

In any case that would be my first choice. Now haven’t found it to happen though. Not to the degree I would like.

Actually the time it seems to happen is when I get bored and mess up the game somehow. I know bashing ain’t always cool, but sure gives a few thrills.

In any event I thought it would be nice if these dang suckers who come up with these games worked on the thrills more. Yeah if you are going to say it then do it.

Just not a way to figure out to get them to understand that part. Oh well I will be sure that is the case.

I figured I would write to these game people and help them out. Like let them know they ought to include a bat in their games.

Oh yeah that would be nice. Might make the board not fit right, but what the heck. Yep we all need that part.
Well I do want to get them thrills one way or another.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "There's a joy I think in being wrong, when you were wrong about being wrong."


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